Escape Artistry, Etiquette, Fine Arts, Gambling, General Lore
Escape Artistry
(Troy Terrell)
Prerequisites: None
Description: This skill is the art of thwarting various types of personal restraints (such as handcuffs and rope) by means of contorting the body and/or picking small locks. If the restraint system is secured by a complicated electronic locking mechanism, the use of Security Systems: Open Locks must be used in conjunction with this skill to gain release (in other words, the character must successfully pass an open locks check, then successfully pass an escape artistry check; as always, this is at the referee’s discretion). The success rate may be adjusted up or down by the referee depending upon the complexity of the restraint and the availability of necessary tools.
(Brad McMillan)
Prerequisites: N/A
Description: This skill makes an individual proficient in all the social niceties associated with Frontier life. Dining out at an elegant restaurant, entertaining amongst the well-to-do, knowing what conversation to engage in in social circles, and being up on the latest fashions are all within the range of the character’s experience. A skill check is required only when the character is thrust into an unusual situation (first contact with an alien species, being invited into a fairly secretive society, etc.). Characters with this skill gain a +10% to PER checks in the above-mentioned social situations.
Fine Arts
(Brad McMillan)
Prerequisites: N/A
Description: This skill is similar to the Zebulon’s Guide skill of Entertaining except that it pertains to skill in one of the various fine arts (painting, holosculpture, poetry, etc.). Characters proficient in any fine art have a strong foundation in their area and some basic understanding of the other fine arts.
(Brad McMillan)
Prerequisites: N/A
Description: Characters skilled in gambling are knowledgeable of the various games of chance in the Frontier. This skill works like the entertainment skill printed in Zebulon’s Guide in that each time the character buys this skill she can specify which game of chance to be proficient in. The character is proficient enough in these games to be considered an expert. A successful skill check means the character gets a payoff (roll d100 and multiply this number times the character’s bet. Alternately, a referee may develop their own games and rules). If the character fails, she loses her bet. If the character rolls a 98-00, she loses everything that she owns and may even be in trouble with the gambling establishment (referee’s discretion).
General Lore
(Roy Crisman)
Prerequisites: N/A
Description: This skill covers in depth knowledge of any general area of knowledge (the more trivial the better!). An example of this would be sports trivia. Sports trivia experts would be familiar with all known general sporting events. Characters know not only rules and regulations, but also famous figures from the sport, histories of famous games and figures, training procedures, common illegalities concerning the sport, and common strategies. Characters taking this skill can opt to have general knowledge only, or to have an in-depth knowledge of certain areas (such as sports).