Ability Scores

 1. Roll d100 once for each ability pair (strength/stamina; dexterity/reaction speed; intuition/logic; personality/leadership).
Table 1. Ability Scores shows how to convert your d100 rolls to base scores for each ability pair.
Table 1.Ability Scores


21-35 36-55 56-70 71-8081-90  91-95 96-00
 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70

  2. Decide your character’s race. Add or subtract the appropriate modifiers as specified by Table 2. Ability Modifiers.
Table 2. Ability Modifiers
 Dralasite +5 -5 - -
 Human - - - -
 Humma +10 - - -10
 Ifshnit -5 - +5 -
 Osakar +5 +5 - -10
 Saurian +10 -10 - -
 S'Sessu - - +10 -10
 Vrusk-5 +5  -
 Yazarian-10  +5 +5 -
 Zethra -5 +5 +5 -5

  3. Fill in your race special abilities if you have them.
  4. You can modify your base pair scores by subtracting points from one ability and adding them to the other ability in the base pair. No more than ten points per pair can be shifted this way.
  5. Divide your character’s Reaction Speed score by ten. If the result is a fraction, round it up. The final result is the character’s initiative modifier.
  6. Choose your handedness if you’re not a Vrusk (Vrusk are ambidextrous) or a Dralasite (although you must designate a “dominant” limb).
  7. Determine your punching score based on Table 3. Punching Scores.
Table 3. Punching Scores
 STR Score 1-20 21-4041-60  61-8081-100 
 Points of Damage 1 2 3 4 5

8. Determine your gender unless you are:
 ·  Osakar (who are always considered female),
 ·  Dralasite (who are female at one point, neuter at another, and male at another—choose which one you start at),
 ·  Zethra (who are hermaphroditic), or
 ·  Humma (who are female until they have their first child, then turn male until old age at which point they become neuter—choose which one you start at).