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Part:0 --- Prologue

Star Frontiers 

The treacherous double agent aimed his needler pistol at me as he prepared to escape. I didn't think he could kill me with one shot from the small weapon, but I didn't want to find out. Dalmor was working for the Sathar, that mysterious, evil race of intelligent worms who were trying to conquer and destroy peaceful worlds.  


I knew he was ruthless. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my Vrusk partner, C'hting. The eight-legged insect man had faster reflexes than I, and I knew he was calculating whether he could draw his blaster and fire before Dalmor could shoot.  


The thought was still in my mind when one of C'hting's arms flashed in a lightning-swift draw. I dived to the floor as Dalmor swung his pistol, but the needles whizzed harmlessly past C'hting and me. C'hting's laser beam only grazed Dalmor as he dashed out the door. We charged after him, but my curse was echoed by C'hting as we watched Dalmor leap aboard the monorail.  


We jumped into my waiting skimmer and maneuvered into traffic, gliding smoothly above the road. ''It is fortunate Bakchu the Yazirian is guarding the spaceport,'' C'hting rasped.  


"If that big monkey can't handle Dalmor, no one can," I replied. "That's only if Dalmor's going to the spaceport, though," I added. "There are two other monorail terminals on the way. Maybe we can get to one of them before his car does." The skimmer was running at top speed, but I clenched the controls in frustration at every corner as the magnetic control fields slowed us to a safe speed. We arrived at the terminal just as Dalmor's car was pulling in.  


Leaping from the skimmer, we ran to the exit ramp. Both C'hting and I crouched behind the polycrete wall and aimed our weapons at a very surprised Dalmor as he stepped from the car barely 10 meters away. "You are under arrest, Dalmor. Do not move," clicked C'hting. With a desperate cry, Dalmor drew the needler from his coat. C'hting and I fired before he could aim. Both shots hit Dalmor and he sprawled across the platform, unconscious but still alive. 
After filing our reports with our contact at the PanGalactic Corporation, C'hting, Bakchu and I  

drove to the Spacer's Rest to celebrate over a few mugs of thick Yazirian ale. We were discussing what we would do with the 100 credits each of us had earned for the mission when all three of our communicators signaled incoming calls at once. Bakchu snarled in dismay when the face of Beren Tiu, our contact at PGC, appeared on the tiny screens. "Ah, I'm glad I've got all of you together," he smiled. "Nice job on Dalmor, though it's a shame you had to shoot him in public. I called to tell you that while we were interrogating him, we got a lead on a lime job you might...''  


"Hold it, Beren," I growled. "You promised us we could take a week off after this mission and, by the stars, I'm going to take a week off!'' C'hting and Bakchu rumbled in agreement, and Tiu looked disappointed. 


“All right," he said, "if you're not interested in 200 credits apiece, I'm not going to force you to..."  


Two hundred credits! The three of us looked at each other, and Bakchu curled his lips in a knowing smile.  


"What's the job?" I asked. 




What the Star Frontiers® game is all about  

Star Frontiers® Science Fiction Adventure Game ("Star Frontiers Game" for short) is a role-playing adventure game for persons 10 years and older. In the Star Frontiers rules, individuals play the role of characters in a fantasy world where space travel is real and heroes venture out on dangerous quests in search of fame and fortune. Characters gain experience by overcoming perils and achieving goals. As characters gain experience, they grow in power and ability. At least two persons are needed to play this game, though the game is most enjoyable when played by a group of four to eight people. This game, unlike others, does not use a playing board or actual playing pieces. All that is needed to play are these rules, the dice included in this set, pencil and paper, graph paper, and imagination. The game may be more exciting if miniature lead figures of the characters and monsters are used, but the game can be played without such aids.  


How To Use This Book  


     This book contains all the basic rules necessary to play Star Frontiers Science Fiction Adventure Game. It has been organized into eight parts.  


Part one, the INTRODUCTION, explains general background information and defines many of the terms used. These and other terms are collected and defined in the GLOSSARY (in the back of the book).  


Part two, PLAYER CHARACTER INFORMATION, explains how to create a player character and is arranged in numbered, easy to follow steps.  


Part three, SKILLS, lists military, technical, and bio-social skills along with a description and notes on the use of each skill.  


Part four, THE ADVENTURE, is filled with general information useful to all the players. 


Most of the action in Star Frontiers games take place during encounters, so Part five, THE ENCOUNTER, deals with these actions, including COMBAT.  


Part six, MONSTERS, contains descriptions and explanations of over 100 monsters, arranged alphabetically.  


Part seven, TREASURE, explains the different types of treasure and many magical items which the player characters may find during their adventures.  

Part eight, GAME MASTER INFORMATION, gives a step by-step design of a sample dungeon level plus tips to help the referee.  


This rule booklet deals mostly with adventure in a dungeon and explains the different player character classes (skills) from the 1st to the 6th level of experience. (These and other terms will be explained later in this booklet.) The Star Frontiers® EXPERT SET adds to these rules, providing further details for player character classes with an expansion into space ship skills, and gives rules for adventuring in the Frontier via space ships.  


Each rule booklet is drilled with holes, so that if desired, the pages may be cut apart and rearranged in a ring binder. To cut the pages apart either scissors or a razor knife and a ruler may be used.  


Whenever possible, the other rule booklets will be divided into the same eight parts to make them easy to combine into one larger set of rules. Every page of the Star Frontiers BASIC rules is numbered "B# ", and each page also lists the section it is from.  


Read the whole book through (except for the sample dungeon). Star Frontiers rules all fit together, and rules that seem confusing at first will become more understandable when used 
with the rest of the game. This is not like any other game you've ever played before: it is more 

important that you understand the ideas in the rules than that you know every detail about the game. When you understand how they work, the rules will become more understandable. 


While the material in this booklet is referred to as rules, that is not really correct. Anything in this booklet (and other Star Frontiers booklets) should be thought of as changeable — anything, that is, that the Game Master or referee thinks should be changed. This is not to say that everything in this booklet should be discarded! All of this material has been carefully thought out and play tested. However, if, after playing the rules as written for a while, you or your referee (the Game Master) think that something should be changed, first think about how the changes will affect the game, and then go ahead. The purpose of these "rules" is to provide guidelines that enable you to play and have fun, so don't feel absolutely bound to them.  


Definitions of Standard Star Frontiers® Terms  


READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. These terms will be used throughout the rest of this booklet; they are also in the GLOSSARY at the end of this booklet. When a group plays a Star Frontiers game, one person acts as a referee and is known as the Game Master (GM). Others play the roles of fantasy characters and are called the players. Each player's character is called a player character (PC). Other characters met in the game, who are controlled by the GM, are called non-player characters (NPCs). A group of characters (PC and NPC) who travel together is called a party.  


It is the GM's job to prepare the setting for each adventure before the game begins. This setting is called an adventure scenario since most adventures take place in any possible environment --- such as a city, wilderness area, or even a space station. The area involved with the scenario is carefully mapped on paper (usually graph paper). A scenario may be designed by the GM, or may be a purchased scenario, such as the one included in this set (called an adventure module). Whether creating a new scenario or carefully studying a module, the GM must be willing to spend more time in preparation than the players. The GM's job takes the most time, but it is also the most creative and rewarding.  


The players will create characters by following the instructions given in Part 2, PLAYER CHARACTER INFORMATION. Each player will choose a class (profession) for their characters. The classes are chosen by looking carefully at the abilities of each character. When the GM has prepared a scenario and the players have created their characters, the game is ready to begin. 

Each game session is called an adventure. An adventure lasts for as long as the players and the GM agree to play. An adventure begins when the party enters the setting, and ends when the party has left the setting and divided up any spoils. An adventure may run for only an hour, or it might fill an entire weekend! The amount of playing time depends on the desires of the players and the GM. Several related adventures (one adventure leading to another, often with the same player characters) is called a campaign. 


At the start of the game, the players enter the scenario and the GM describes what the characters can see. One player should draw a map from the GM's descriptions; that player is called the mapper. As the player characters move further into the dungeon, more and more of the dungeon is mapped. Eventually, the GM's map and the players' map will look more or less alike 


To avoid confusion, the players should select one player to speak for the entire group or party. That player is named the caller. When unusual situations occur, each player may want to say what his or her character is doing. The caller should make sure that he or she is accurately representing all the player characters' wishes. The caller is a mediator between the players and the GM, and should not judge what the player characters should do.  


As details of the scenario are revealed, the player characters will meet "monsters" which they will have to avoid, talk to, or fight. A monster is any animal, person, or supernatural creature that is not a player character. A monster may be a ferocious cybernetic beast or a humble vrusk merchant. For game purposes, any creature not a player character is a monster. Character class monsters are often called nonplayer characters (or NPCs) to separate them from other monsters.  


A meeting between player characters and monsters is called an encounter. During an adventure the player characters will also discover valuable items and try to avoid dangerous traps as well as encounter monsters. Sometimes, of course, the player characters will have to fight monsters. Such a fight is referred to as a melee.  


In Star Frontiers rules, player characters try to gain experience, which is earned as experience points (or XP). Experience points are given out by the GM at the end of each adventure. Player characters continue to gain experience points for each adventure they participate in. Although 

 this rule book only explains the abilities of characters operating in a personal encounter basis, further supplements will explain advanced character skills such as space ship operation, bionics, & cybernetics, and business ventures.  


Use of the Word "Level"  


EXPERIENCE: The word "level" has several different meanings in the Star Frontiers® Adventure Game. A "level of experience" is a general term meaning an amount of experience points. When a character earns a given amount of experience points (XP), that character gains one level of experience. All player characters begin the game at the first level of experience, and will gain levels of experience through adventures.  


MONSTERS: A "monster level" indicates how tough and ferocious a type of monster is. A monster's level is equal to the number of hit dice (a measure of how much damage a monster can take and still survive; see MONSTERS, page B29) it has. Some monsters have special powers and the DM may consider them one "monster level" (or hit die) higher than the number of their hit dice.  


SKILLS: The term "skill level" indicates the difficulty of a skill. For example, "beam weapons” as a first level skill allows a character to utilize any energy weapon, but the second level skill allows the player to do so with a greater degree of accuracy.  


SCENARIOS: "Scenario Level" is used to refer to the difficulty of one area of a setting. For example, the 3rd level of a setting would mostly contain monsters with 3 hit dice or NPCs with 3 experience levels, but the 1st level would mostly contain easier (1 hit die) monsters or first level NPC skills.  


These uses of the word "level" will become quite familiar to the players once they have played a few games. 


How To Use the Dice  


In Star Frontiers rules, many different kinds of dice are used to give a variety of results. Though these dice appear strange at first, they will quickly become a familiar part of the game. Dice included in this set are a 4-sided die, a 6-sided die, an 8-sided die, a 10-sided die, a 12-sided die, and a 20-sided die. For easy reading, all of the dice are marked with numbers instead of pips (dots).  


When referring to dice, an abbreviation is often used. The first number in the abbreviation is the number of dice to be rolled, followed by the letter "d" (short for die or dice), and then a number for the type of dice used. For example, 5d8 means an 8-sided die thrown 5 times, and would generate a total from 5 to 40.  


The d4 looks like a pyramid. The best way to "throw" or roll a 4- sided die is to spin it and toss it straight up. It will land on one face (side) with three faces showing. The bottom number on each of the three faces is the same; this number is the result of the throw.  


The other dice are rolled normally and the top face gives the result. The 0 on the d10 is read as "10". The d10 can also be used to generate a percentage (a number from 1 to 100). To do so, roll the d10 twice: the first roll gives the "tens" number, and the second roll gives the "ones" number. For example, a roll of 5 followed by a roll of 3 would be read as 53. A roll of 0 followed by another roll of 0 equals 100. Generating a number from 1 to 100 will be referred to as rolling percentage dice (or d%).  


How To "Win":  


"Winning" and "losing", things important to most games, do not apply to Star Frontiers games! The GM and the players do not play against each other, even though the GM often plays the role of various antagonists which threaten the player characters. The GM must not take sides. He or she is a guide and a referee, the person who keeps the action flowing and creates an exciting adventure. Player characters have fun by overcoming fantastic obstacles and acquiring wealth, but this does not end the game. Nor is the game "lost" when an unlucky player's character dies, since the player may simply "roll up" a new character and continue playing. A good Star Frontiers campaign is similar to the creation of a fantasy novel, written by the GM and the players. 




How to create a Player Character  


1. On a blank sheet of paper, write down the names of the six player character abilities: Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma (in that order). If a Star Frontiers Character Record Sheet is being used, the six abilities will already be printed on the sheet. It may be useful to glance at the example character record sheet hereafter (page B14) to see the form that such a sheet takes.  


2. Roll 3d6 (for a result of 3-18) for each ability and put the result in pencil next to the name of the ability.  


3. Read the sections on Character Abilities (page B6) and Character Classes (pages B9-10), and choose a class which best suits your character.  


4. Write down any special abilities your character possesses because of the class, for future reference (keeping in mind that your character is 1st level). 


5. Read the section on Ability Score Adjustments (page B6) along with any class adjustments, and then adjust your character's ability scores, if applicable and/or so desired.  


6. Consult the table of Bonuses and Penalties (page B7) and make a note of the results next to exceptional ability scores.  

7. Set aside a section of the paper for Experience Points or XP. As a new character, mark down "0" for the number of starting XP. For future reference, make a note of the number of XP needed to advance to the next desired skill and level.  


8. Determine the number of hit points your character has by rolling the appropriate type of hit die (as mentioned in the class description). Record the number in a special area marked hit points or hp.  


9. Read the section on Character Alignment (page B11) and choose an alignment for your character. Record the alignment next to your character's name.  


10. Roll 3d6 and multiply the result by 10, and add 170. This new number is the total amount of money or "credits” (abbreviated Cr) your character starts with and can spend on equipment for adventures. Record this amount in a section marked “Money” or “Credits” or even Cr.  


11. Consult the table of Costs of Equipment and Weapons (page B12) and "buy" whatever equipment your character desires, within the limits of his or her starting amount of Cr and class restrictions (for example, when in normal/relaxed form Dralasites may not carry long weapons). Write down the equipment you have purchased on the back of the paper.  


12. Once you know what type of armor and/or defensive screen(s), weaponry, and miscellaneous equipment your character will be utilizing, list the item(s) in their respective areas on the sheet. 


13. Find the Character Attacks table (page B27) and record the scores your character needs to hit with the various weapons they own. Check the Saving Throws table (page B26) and write down the various scores that your character may need to roll as saving throws during an adventure. Part 4 of this booklet (The Encounter) contains an explanation of these numbers and how they are used.  


14. If you have not already done so, name your character. If any problems have come up while creating your character, double-check with the example of character creation on page B13. 



1. Roll for ability scores.  

2. Choose a class; note special abilities and any restrictions.  

3. Adjust scores as desired; note bonuses for high scores.  

4. Roll hit points.  

5. Roll for money; equip the character.  

6. Find Armor Class, attack, and saving throw numbers.  

7. Name the character. 


Character Abilities  


After rolling the six ability scores for a character, the player should choose a class — that type of adventurer which the player would most like the character to be. One or two abilities are the most important to each character class. The ability most important to a class is called the prime requisite for that class. The higher the prime requisite score, the more successful that character will be in that class.  


To choose a class, a player should first look for his or her highest ability scores. If one of the high scores is the prime requisite for a class, the player should consider making his or her character a member of that class.  


The six ability scores, and their use as prime requisite, are explained hereafter:  


Strength: "Strength" is a measure of muscle power and the ability to use that power. Any character with a Strength score of 13 or above should consider being a Dralasite, as Strength is one of the prime requisites for the class. 


Intelligence: "Intelligence" is the ability to learn and remember knowledge, and the ability to solve problems. Characters with an intelligence score of 13 or above should consider the class of Yazirian, as Intelligence is one of the prime requisites for that class.  


Wisdom: The word "Wisdom" refers to inspiration, intuition, common sense, and shrewdness. Wisdom aids in solving problems when Intelligence is not enough. Wisdom is not a prime requisite of any class.  


Dexterity: "Dexterity" is a measure of speed and agility. A character with a high Dexterity score is "good with his hands" and has a good sense of balance. A character with a Dexterity score of 13 or greater should consider the classes of Vrusk or Yazirian, as Dexterity is a prime requisite of both classes.  


Constitution: "Constitution" is a combination of health and endurance (the ability to hold up under pressure). It directly influences every class, possibly changing the number of hit points a character has. Any character with a Constitution score of 13 or above should consider being a Dralasite, as Constitution is one of the prime requisites for the class. 


Charisma: "Charisma" is a combination of appearance, personality, and leadership ability. It helps the GM decide exactly how a monster will react to a player character. If also affects the number of retainers a character can hire (see page B21), and the morale (attitude; see page B27) of these hirelings. Charisma is never a prime requisite 


Ability Score Adjustments  


It is possible to raise one's score in a prime requisite by lowering the scores of some of the other abilities. This adjustment shows that a character may practice hard and learn how to fight or reason well, but at the cost of not developing another ability.  


When adjusting abilities, no score may be lowered below 9. When an adjustment is made, a prime requisite ability will be raised 1 point for every 2 points that the adjusted ability is lowered.  


Strength may be lowered by Yazirians in order to raise Intelligence or Dexterity, and by Vrusks in order to raise Dexterity. Strength can be raised 1 point by any class when reducing Constitution by 1 point, however this can only be performed once.  


Intelligence & Wisdom may be swapped freely with Strength & Constitution and vice versa at the usual rate of –2 per +1, applicable to any character. For example, a Yazirian might lower a Strength score of 15 to 11 (a drop of 4) in order to raise an Intelligence score of 12 to 13 and a Wisdom score of 15 to 16 (a raise of 4/2 = 2, or 1 point added to each score). 


Dexterity may be lowered by Dralasites in order to raise Strength or Constitution. 


Constitution may be lowered by Yazirians in order to raise Intelligence or Dexterity. Constitution may be raised 1 point by any class when reducing Strength by 1 point, however this can only be performed once.  


Charisma may not be raised or lowered via point swap, but can be increased later with experience points (as can the other attribute scores).



Hit Points and Hit Dice  


Hit points represent the number of "points" of damage a character or monster can take during battle before dying. Any creature reduced to 0 hit points (or less) is unconscious, and any creature reduced to –10 hit points (or less) is dead. Note that unconscious creatures will continue to lose 1 hit point per round until dead, so time is of the essence regarding revival. The combat process is explained in Part 5: THE ENCOUNTER (under pages B24-28). For now, it is enough to realize that the more hit points a character has, the better the chance he or she has to survive a battle. On the average, fighters and dwarves will have the most hit points; clerics, halflings, and elves will have an average number of hit points; and magic-users and thieves will have the least hit points.  


ROLLING HIT POINTS: Each time a character earns enough experience points to gain a level in their existing skill set, the character gets a bonus hit point. Each time a character earns enough experience points to gain a new skill set, the character gets to roll for more hit points. When starting out, each character rolls one hit die, using the type of die given for the character class. Upon reaching a second skill set, the character rolls the same type of die a second time and adds the result to the first roll. This process is repeated for each new level. The result of each new hit die roll is always added to the total of the other hit die rolls.  


(Low level characters may easily be killed in battle. As an option, the GM may allow a player character to roll again if the player has rolled a 1 or 2 for the number of hit points during the initial character generation process only.) 


Bonuses and Penalties Due to Abilities  


Many of the words used in this table will be explained later; see Combat (pages B24-28) and the GLOSSARY CHARACTERS  


PR Score / Adjustment to XP 

3-5       -20% from earned experience points 

6-8       -10% from earned experience points 

9-12      No adjustment to experience point 

13-15    + 5% to earned experience points 

16-18    + 10% to earned experience points  


Adjustments for classes with two prime requisites are explained in the class descriptions. Any adjustments to earned experience are used when the GM gives experience points at the end of an adventure.  


Strength Score / Adjustments 

3            - 3 to hit & damage 

4-5         -2 to hit & damage 

6-8         -1 to hit & damage 

9-12       No adjustments due to Strength 

13-15     + 1 to hit & damage 

16-17     + 2 to hit & damage 

18           + 3 to hit & damage 


Regardless of adjustments, any successful hit will always do at least 1 point of damage. All Strength adjustments apply only to hand-to hand combat (see page B26) and to opening doors (page B21). Missile fire combat is adjusted by Dexterity according to the chart hereafter. 


Intelligence Score / Use of Languages 

3            Has trouble with speaking, cannot read or write 

4-5        Speaks but cannot read or write PanGalactic or Native 

6-8        Can write simple PanGalactic & Native words 

9-12      Reads and writes native language & PanGalactic 

13-15    Reads and writes native language & PanGalactic, + 1 added language 

16-17    Reads and writes native language & PanGalactic, + 2 added languages 

18          Reads and writes native language & PanGalactic ,+ 3 added languages 


Wisdom Score / # of Skills per PSA and Secondary Skill Areas 

3             PSA only, 1 skill (2 for military) 

4-5         PSA only, 1 skill (3 for military) 

6-8         PSA only, 2 skills (4 for military) 

9-12       PSA (all), 1 secondary skills in one other skill area (3 for military) 

13-15    PSA (all), 2 secondary skills in one other skill area (4 for military) 

16-17    PSA (all), 2 secondary skills in two other skill areas (5 for military) 

18          PSA (all), all secondary skills in any other skill area 


Dexterity Score / Ranged Weapon, Initiative, & Dodging Adjustments 

3          -3 on "to hit" rolls, initiative, & dodging 

4-5       -2 on "to hit" rolls, initiative, & dodging 

6-8       -1 on "to hit" rolls, initiative, & dodging 

9-12     No adjustment 

13-15   +1 on "to hit" rolls, initiative, & dodging 

16-17   +2 on "to hit" rolls, initiative, & dodging 

18         +3 on "to hit" rolls, initiative, & dodging 


Adjustments to the hit rolls are only applicable to hitting, there is no damage bonus. 


 Constitution Score / Hit Point Adjustment  

3           -3 points per hit die 

4-5       -2 points per hit die 

6-8       -1 points per hit die 

9-12     No adjustment to hit points 

13-15   + 1 points per hit die 

16-17   + 2 points per hit die 

18         + 3 points per hit die  


These adjustments are used whenever a player rolls to determine a character's hit points. No hit die roll may be adjusted below 1, regardless of the adjustments.  


Charisma Score / Adjustment to Reactions, Max # of Retainers, & Retainer Morale 

3                    -2  /  1  /  4 

4-5                 -1  /  2  /  5 

6-8                 -1  /  3  /  6 

9-12         None  /  4  /  7 

13-15            +1  /  5  /  8 

16-17            +1  /  6  /  9 

18                  +2  /  7  /  10 


The adjustment to reactions may help or hinder "first impressions" when talking to an encountered creature or person (see Monster Reactions, page B24, and NPC Reactions, page B21). Charisma also affects the number of NPC retainers a player character may hire, and the morale (attitude) of those persons. 


Character Class Tables  


Humans are similar to Earthmen, but these Humans developed on another planet closer to the center of the galaxy. Humans are considered the average characters in STAR FRONTIERS games, so their abilities are not modified when the character is created.  


Dralasites are rubbery, elastic aliens sometimes called "blobs." They can change their shape at will. creating as many artificial arms and legs (pseudopods) as they need at the moment. They are stronger than Humans, but are also slower. They enjoy philosophical debates and have a very strange sense of humor; they love telling old jokes and puns they hear from Humans.  


Vrusk look like large insects, and are sometimes called "bugs." They are quicker than Humans, but are not as strong. Vrusk are excellent businessmen and merchants. They love art, beauty and music.  


Yazirians are tall, light-boned humanoids with furry manes around their necks. Humans nicknamed them "monkeys" because of their simian appearance. Thin membranes that stretch between their arms, torso and legs allowed Yazirians to glide between the trees on their native planet. They are generally smarter and quicker than the other races, but are not as strong. Their eyes are very sensitive to light, so they usually wear dark goggles during the day. Yazirians were very warlike in the past, and are still considered pushy and aggressive by other races. 


The information on these tables is discussed further in the following section on CHARACTER CLASSES. The tables below give the official name of each level in each character class or profession and the experience points necessary for a character to rise to the next level of experience. The charts also give the type (and number) of dice used to determine the hit points for each class. Special tables are also given, listing the chances for a cleric to Turn undead and a thief special abilities. The charts are arranged in alphabetical order, by class.  

Part:2b --- PC INFO (continued)



Average Size 1.3 meters tall 1 meter wide  

Average Mass 65 kilograms  

Average Lifespan 250 years  

Reproductive System hermaphroditic, budding  

Body Temperature 30 degrees Celsius 



Walking 5 meters per turn  

Running 60’ per turn  

Hourly 3 kilometers/hour 

(insert dralasite pic here)

Dralasites are short, rubbery aliens that have no bones or hard body parts. Their skin is a flexible membrane that is very tough and scratchy. It generally is dull gray and lined with dark veins that meet at the Dralasite's two eyespots.  


The internal structure of a Dralasite is very different from the other races. The Dralasite's central nerve bundle (brain), numerous small hearts and other internal organs float in a pudding-like mixture of protein and organic fluids. Dralasites breathe by absorbing oxygen directly through their skin, so they have no lungs. They are omnivores, but eat by surrounding their food and absorbing it, so they also have no digestive tract or intestines 


All Dralasites go through male, female and neutral stages during their lives (these phases can be controlled with medicines). Males release spores into the air, which drift until they become attached to a female. A young Dralasite then ''sprouts'' from its mother, eventually maturing and dropping off.  


Senses: The most important sense for a Dralasite is smell. They breathe directly through their skin, and the entire membrane is sensitive to odors. Their sense of smell is so keen they can identify persons by smell alone and can recognize familiar smells on objects or persons. The membrane also is sensitive to touch and to vibrations, allowing Dralasites to hear and feel.  


 Dralasites see only in black and white. They see shapes and light and darkness very clearly, and can see a difference between distinct colors (blue and green, for example) because one is darker than the other, but they do not see actual colors. 


Speech: Dralasites have a voice box, but it works like a bellows because they have no lungs. A Dralasite's voice can vary from a soft whisper to a thundering roar and from a bass rumble to a piercing screech. Among themselves, they also use shapes, odors and touch to communicate. 


Society & Customs: Dralasites are philosophical and thoughtful. Their communities are small, and many Dralasites prefer to live alone. Dralasites do not care about wealth, power or status symbols. They judge themselves by the quality of their ideas and their ability to discuss important ideas wisely. Dralasites often hold large public meetings to discuss new ideas. Discussions and debates are among their favorite ways to relax.  


Steam baths are another favorite Dralasite recreation. They mix perfumes and intoxicants with the steam. These affect Dralasites the same way alcohol does a Human or Yazirian 


Dralasites are widely known for their strange sense of humor. They love old jokes and puns that make Humans groan. Many Human comedians who could not find work in Human cities have become rich performing on Dralasite worlds. 


Dralasites do not normally wear clothing, because it makes breathing difficult and interferes with their sense of smell. They usually carry their equipment on web belts. When they must wear clothing to protect themselves, they use special materials that let air reach their skin.  


Attitudes: Dralasites are very fond of Vrusk, because they think Vrusk have funny shapes. They get along well with Humans but are careful not to upset Yazirians, who they consider too violent. 


Elasticity - A Dralasite's skin is stretchable and supported by a complex muscle structure. This allows them to change the shape of their bodies, within limits. They can "grow" arms and legs to use for walking and handling tools and weapons, and re-absorb limbs when they are not needed.  


A Dralasite can have a number of limbs equal to its Dexterity divided by 2, rounded up. The player must decide whether a limb is an arm or a leg when it is grown. For example, a Dralasite with a Dexterity score of 10 can control up to five limbs. It could have three legs and two arms, two legs and one arm, no legs and five arms, or any other combination adding up to five or less.  


Growing or absorbing a limb takes five minutes. Only one limb can be grown at a time. A limb can be up to 1 meter long, and no less than 10 cm thick. "Fingers'' for handling items can be up to 10 cm long and no less than 1 cm thick.  



Even though a Dralasite can have many arms, it can not fire more than two weapons at once. When a Dralasite player creates limbs, he must specify one as the dominant limb, the same way a Human must choose to be either right or left-handed. Also, despite a Dralasite's stretching and shrinking, the pattern of veins and ridges on its skin does not change, so they have a permanent "fingerprint" for identification.  

(insert 3-view dralasite pic here)

Lie Detection - All Dralasite characters begin with a 1-in-20 chance to realize when someone is lying to them. The Dralasite must be communicating face to face with the character, and the Dralasite player must tell the referee he is trying to detect a lie. The referee rolls d20 secretly. If the result is 20, the Dralasite knows whether the person is telling the truth. If the die roll is 19 or less, the Dralasite does not sense that the person is lying. This special ability can be improved by spending experience points (see IMPROVING CHARACTERS).  



Ability Scores – A Dralasite receives a +1 Strength or Constitution bonus (player’s choice) offset by a –1 Dexterity adjustment. Dralasites with a 13+ in both PR scores will gain a 5% XP bonus while having a 13+ in one and a 16+ in the other will net a 10% bonus. Consequently, a PR score of 6-8 will have a –10% penalty and a PR of 3-5 will be –20%. Bonuses & penalties are cumulative, for example a Dralasite with a Strength of 8 (-10%) and a Constitution score of 13 (+5%) will end up with a –5% penalty. 
Primary Skill Area: A Dralasite begins the game with either the Bio-Social or Military PSA. 
Restrictions: Dralasites use twelve-sided dice (d12) to determine their hit points. Unless the Dralasite has previously stretched itself up to near-human size, they may not carry or use any long weapons or items. 

(insert dralasite pirate pic here)




Average Size 1.9 meters tall  

Average Mass 80 kilograms (male) 55 kilograms (female)  

Average Lifespan 200 years  

Reproductive System heterosexual, viviparous  

Body Temperature 37 degrees Celsius 



Walking 10 meters per turn  

Running 20 meters per turn  


Hourly 5 kilometers/hour 

(Insert K.D. human pic here)

Typical adult Humans are approximately 2 meters tall, and have two arms and two legs. They are warm-blooded omnivores with internal skeletons. Both hands have four fingers and one opposable thumb, which allows them to grip and use tools. Their arms are jointed at the shoulder, elbow and wrist. Their legs are similar, being jointed at the hip, knee and ankle. Humans walk upright.  


Human skin color varies over a wide range, including pale white and pink, tan, pale yellow, red, brown and black. This color does not change as the Human matures. Most Humans have hair covering the top and back of the head, and males also have hair on their chins and throats. Hair color varies from white and yellow to red, brown and black, gradually changing to gray as the Human ages.  


Senses: Humans have color vision, sensing the spectrum between infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths. They have good depth and motion perception. Their hearing covers a range from 16 to 27,000 cycles per second, with good separation and direction-sensing qualities. Their skin is touch-sensitive. Their senses of taste and smell are not as highly developed as their sight.  


Speech: Humans speak by forcing air from their lungs through a larynx or voice box and shaping sounds with their lips and tongue. They can create a wide range of sounds, and have no difficulty speaking Pan-Galactic and Yazirian languages.  


Society & Customs: Human society centers around the family. A family generally consists of a father, a mother and 1 to 6 children. Families usually group together into communities for mutual support and protection. Community size varies widely; several Human cities are known to have populations above 5 million.  


Of all the star-faring races, Humans are the most varied. As a race they are not as warlike as the Yazirians, as businesslike as the Vrusk or as thoughtful as the Dralasites. Yet, individual Humans can be found who surpass even the most violent Yazirians, the most dedicated Vrusk and the most philosophical Dralasites. Humans tend to value individuality and personal freedom more than anything else, but they do not hesitate to work together to reach a common goal or to protect themselves from attack.  


To members of the other races, the most puzzling aspect of Human behavior is their curiosity and love of adventure. Many Humans are willing to put themselves in great danger simply to see something new or go somewhere no one has ever gone before. Some Humans (a very small percentage) seem to actually enjoy being in danger, thriving on the excitement of a life-or-death situation. This type of behavior has never been observed in normal members of the other races. Even the Yazirians, known for their violence and fits of rage, try to avoid taking unnecessary risks. This spirit of adventure has served Humans well, however, as most major exploration missions organized by local 35 governments or private companies are led by a Human. 


Many alien biologists have wondered how the Human race could have survived long enough to build a civilization and colonize new planets; compared to other creatures in the galaxy, Humans are not especially strong or quick, and are no smarter than the other races. However, Humans are very inventive and adaptable. They manage to survive and even flourish in areas other races consider uninhabitable, by adapting themselves to the new conditions with surprising speed. This and the Humans' love for gadgets and hardware led to the appearance of a popular saying among Vrusk, ''Mr. Human and his Indestructible Junk Show.'' Despite this condescending attitude, Vrusk and the other star-faring races have learned to respect Humans.  


Attitudes: Humans are one of the most open and accepting of the known races. They get along very well with Dralasites, and their similarity to Yazirians usually is strong enough to overcome the usual negative reaction to a Yazirian's pushiness. Many Humans, however, are mildly nervous around Vrusk. Human psychologists blame this on the Vrusk's resemblance to a giant insect. (Many Humans dislike insects, and some are actually afraid of them.)  



Humans have no special abilities, however since they emphasize training and education more than the other races, players who are starting new Human characters get to add 1 to any one of the eight ability scores while suffering no penalties applied to other scores. 


Primary Skill Area: Humans may start the game with any PSA. The PR will depend on the PSA, Military will have a Dexterity PR, Technical will be Intelligence, and Bio-Social will be Wisdom. Any PR of 13+ will enjoy a +5% XP bonus, 16+ will gain a 10% bonus. PR scores of 6-8 will receive a –10% penalty while PR scores of 3-5 will incur a –20% penalty. 


Restrictions: Humans use ten-sided dice (d10) to determine their hit points. 






Average Size 1.5 meters tall by 1.5 meters long  

Average Mass 85 kilograms  

Average Lifespan 175 years  

Reproductive System heterosexual, ovoviviparous  

Body Temperature 38 degrees Celsius 



Walking 15 meters per turn  

Running 35 meters per turn  


Hourly 6 kilometers/hour 

(insert two-gun weilding vrusk here)

Vrusk look like large insects. Eight legs grow from their abdomen, four on each side. Their torso is upright in front of the abdomen. The torso is humanoid, with two arms connected at the shoulders. The head is above the shoulders. Vrusk hands are circular pads with five fingers spaced evenly around the edge. A Vrusk's shoulders are double-jointed, so they can rotate their arms in a full circle without straining any muscles. They can reach any point on their abdomen or behind their backs easily.  


A Vrusk's body is covered by a carapace (hard shell). This shell is jointed at the Vrusk's elbows, hips, knees, etc. The carapace protects the Vrusk from bruises, cuts, scratches and other minor injuries. Unlike insects, Vrusk have an internal skeleton to support their bodies. Young Vrusk have a blue carapace with bright orange near the joints. As the Vrusk gets older, its carapace changes to dull green with yellow joints.  


Vrusk have large eyes that are protected by a hard, clear covering. The mouth is surrounded by four eating mandibles. The two larger mandibles hold food while the small ones tear it apart and place it in the mouth. They are omnivores. Vrusk have lungs, and breathe through many small nostrils under their abdomens. This arrangement makes it difficult for Vrusk to swim.  


Senses: Vrusk have very good color vision, but they see more of the short wavelengths (blue and ultraviolet light) than Humans do, and less of the long wavelengths (orange and red). Their sense of smell is centered in their antennae, and is slightly better than a Human's. They also can touch with their antennae. Their hearing is about the same as a Human's.  


Speech: Vrusk speak by combining clicks produced by their mandibles and buzzes produced by a plate in their mouths.  


Society & Customs: Vrusk are hard-working and practical. Their society is organized around independent corporations. To a Vrusk, the company he works for is his family and his nation. The company determines everything about the Vrusk's life; who he lives with, what his job is, where he travels, etc. Vrusk give their company name before their personal name.  


Vrusk have two types of corporations: conglomerates and trade houses. Conglomerates have business interests in many areas. A single conglomerate might have divisions that build computers, operate farms, train lawyers and set up colonies. A Vrusk that works for a conglomerate usually works for only one division, and might not even know what other divisions the company owns. Trade houses, which are more common in the Frontier, specialize in one type of business. Because all Vrusk working for a trade house do the same work, trade houses usually work together. For example, a trade house that builds farming equipment would hire accountants from an accounting house to keep their financial records. Business between companies is regulated by laws that are so complex no one besides Vrusk have ever fully understood them.  


Vrusk also love beauty, harmony and order. The goal of most Vrusk is to become wealthy, collect art, and live in peace. Their love for beauty makes them unwilling to get into fights that do not involve their company. However, Vrusk that are defending their company will do anything to remove the threat permanently.  


Vrusk adventurers, however, do not belong to a company. Some are independent businessmen, some are company employees who were fired, and some are just too rebellious to put up with company rules. A few start their own companies and eventually become leaders in their communities.  


Attitudes: Vrusk get along well with the other three races. They respect the Yazirian custom of choosing a life enemy, and feel at ease around Dralasites because they are careful and skillful planners (though they are annoyed by the Dralasites' sense of humor). They understand Humans the least because, to a Vrusk, Humans seem unpredictable and a little lazy.   


Special Abilities  

Ambidexterity - All Vrusk are ambidextrous (they can use both hands equally well). Players with Vrusk characters do not need to choose whether their character is right or left-handed. Vrusk can shoot weapons, throw grenades, write, catch or grip with either hand.  


Comprehension - Because Vrusk have such a complicated society, they are able to understand all sorts of social dealings. All Vrusk characters start with a Comprehension score of 18. This score is the character's chance (roll18+ on d20) to figure out any type of social dealing that the player himself can not. For example, a Vrusk is following a Human he thinks is a spy for another company. He follows the Human into a bar and sees him talking to a group of rough looking Yazirians, occasionally glancing over his shoulder. Then the Human hands some money to the thugs and leaves the bar. The Vrusk player is not sure what the Human was trying to do, so he tells the referee he wants to use his Comprehension ability. If he rolls 15 or less on a d100, the referee will tell him that the Human paid the Yazirians to attack the Vrusk if he tried to follow the Human from the bar. A character's Comprehension score can be increased by spending experience points (see IMPROVING CHARACTERS). 


Ability Scores – A Vrusk receives a +1 Dexterity bonus offset by a –1 Strength or Constitution adjustment (player’s choice). A Dexterity score of 13+ will inherit a +5% XP bonus and 16+ will gain a 10% bonus. Dexterity scores of 6-8 will have a –10% penalty and 3-5 will get a –20% penalty. 


Primary Skill Area: Vrusk begin the game with either the Technical or Bio-Social PSA. 


Restrictions: Vrusk use eight-sided dice (d8) to determine their hit points. Certain equipment will require modification for use, such as space suits and vehicles, often with an additional cost. NPC vrusk are never chaotic unless they are antagonists to the party. 






Average Size 2.1 meters tall  

Average Mass 50 kilograms (male) 60 kilograms (female)  

Average Lifespan 140 years  

Reproductive System heterosexual, viviparous  

Body Temperature 39 degrees Celsius 



Walking 10 meters per turn  

Running 30 meters per turn  


Hourly 4 kilometers/hour 

(insert female yazirian pic here)

Yazirians are tall, thin humanoids. They have long arms and legs and slender torsos. Two large flaps of skin grow on either side of their bodies, attached along their arms, torso and legs. When a Yazirian raises its arms, this membrane is stretched tight and forms a sort of wing. Under certain conditions (explained under Gliding). Yazirians can glide short distances using these wings.  


Yazirians have muzzles and high foreheads, giving them an animal-like appearance. Their heads are surrounded by manes and collars of hair, which varies in color from glossy black to pale yellow. Their skin color ranges from gray to light tan. Because their bodies do not sweat, Yazirians pant to keep cool. They are omnivores.  


Yazirians have four knuckles (one more than Humans) on their fingers and toes. The inside toe is opposed like a thumb, allowing them to grasp things with their feet. The tips of their fingers and toes end in broad, ribbed pads, giving them an excellent grip. These characteristics, combined with their animal-like appearance, earned them the nickname "monkeys."  


Senses: Yazirians’ senses of hearing, smell, and taste are equivalent to a Human’s. Because they evolved from nocturnal hunters, however, their eyes are adapted to seeing in dim light. They can not see in complete darkness. They usually wear dark goggles when they must work in sunlight. In bright light, Yazirians without dark goggles must subtract 3 from any Dexterity checks and skills dependent on Dexterity.  


Speech: Yazirians have no trouble speaking Human languages or Pan-Galactic. Their own language is a combination of Human-type sounds and snarls and growls.  


Society & Customs: Yazirian communities are divided into large, loosely organized clans. All the members of a clan are related to each other. In the past, clan ties were very strong. The clans had traditional enemies and allies, and they struggled constantly for power and land. Since the Yazirians moved into space, they have learned to cooperate more and the clans have become less important. Despite this, Yazirians still have a reputation throughout the Frontier as proud, fierce fighters.  


A custom Yazirians have kept intact is the selection of a life-enemy. When a Yazirian chooses a life enemy, he dedicates his life to destroying, overcoming or outdoing that enemy as completely as possible. In the past, a Yazirian would choose an enemy clan or clan member as his life-enemy, but now the choice is much wider. A Yazirian scientist could name an incurable disease as his life-enemy, or a Yazirian trader could choose a competing company. The scientist would try to find a cure for the disease; the trader would try to build up his own company so it is more powerful than his enemy's, or even try to drive the other company out of business. 


A Yazirian gains honor by striving to defeat his enemy. Yazirians with powerful life-enemies are respected and admired. A Yazirian that defeats its enemy does not need to choose another, but some Yazirians do. There is no set point in a Yazirian's life when he must choose a life-enemy, and some Yazirians never choose one. A Yazirian that dies without having chosen a life-enemy is considered unlucky.  


Typical Yazirian clothing is a large, brightly colored cape and tunic, a waist belt and two belts crossed over the chest. Dark goggles are worn in the daytime. Yazirians do not like shoes, however when necessary, they wear mitten-like shoes.  


Attitudes: In general, Yazirians like Vrusk and Humans. They occasionally lose their patience with Dralasites, because they are slow and would rather discuss ideas than act on them.  


Special Abilities  

Battle Rage - Yazirians train themselves to go berserk in battle. A berserk Yazirian gets a bonus of +20 to hit in melee. Yazirian characters start with a Battle Rage score of 5, and a 5% chance to go berserk at the start of a battle. This chance can be increased by spending experience points (see IMPROVING CHARACTERS) to raise the Battle Rage score. Battle Rage lasts as long as the Yazirian keeps fighting; it ends when the Yazirian rests for five minutes.  


Gliding - Yazirians can glide short distances using the membranes along their sides. A Yazirian can glide 1 meter for every meter he is above the ground when he starts. He must start at least 10 meters above the ground. The maximum distance a Yazirian can glide depends on the gravity of the planet, as shown below which is graduated for 10-meter increments in height.  



Gravity/Max. Glide  

.6G/150 m  

.7G/100 m  

.8G/50 m  

.9G/25 m  

1.0G/10 m  


Yazirians cannot glide on planets with gravities below .6 or above 1. 

(insert gliding yazirian pic here)

Ability Scores – A Yazirian receives both a +1 Dexterity and Intelligence bonus offset by a –1 Strength and Constitution adjustment. Yazirians with a 13+ in both PR scores will gain a 5% XP bonus while having a 13+ in one and a 16+ in the other will net a 10% bonus. Consequently, a PR score of 6-8 will have a –10% penalty and a PR of 3-5 will be –20%. Bonuses & penalties are cumulative, for example a Dralasite with an Intelligence score of 5 (-20%) and a Dexterity score of 15 (+5%) will end up with a –15% penalty. 


Primary Skill Area: Yazirians may opt for either the Military or Technical PSA. 


Restrictions: Yazirians use eight-sided dice (d8) to determine their hit points. 







Average Size 3.5 meters long  

Average Mass 55 kilograms  

Average Lifespan unknown  

Reproductive System hermaphroditic, unknown  

Body Temperature believed endothermic 



Walking 10 meters per turn  

Running 20 meters per turn  


Hourly 3 kilometers/hour 

(insert sathar trooper pic here)

Sathar are long, worm-like creatures. Their bodies are divided into segments, like an earthworm's. They do not have a skeleton. Instead, they support their bodies hydrostatically, by pumping liquid into the segments so they become hard. A shiny, clear slime coats their skin. Scientists believe they are warm-blooded, but no live specimen has ever been studied.  


A Sathar's head tapers toward its mouth, which is circular and ringed with teeth. Each of their two eyes has two pupils. Four tentacles, two on each side of the body, are arranged about 1 meter below the head. The first pair is slender and weak-looking, and about 1 meter long. These end in four smaller finger-like tentacles. The second pair of tentacles is stronger and about 1.2 meters long. Both of these tentacles end in a paddle-like pad. This second pair is used for heavy lifting, while the smaller tentacles are used for fine work and for holding small weapons. 


A Sathar moves by slithering across the ground with the first meter of its body raised. They also can coil like a snake, raising 1.5 meters of their bodies from the ground.  


The color of Sathar skin varies from yellow to brown. The tentacles are the same as the body, but with a slight greenish tint. The underbelly is pale pink. A pattern of dots, speckles and stripes decorates the back of the head. These patterns are natural on some Sathar, but are tattoos on others.  


Some survivors of Sathar attacks have reported that Sathars are not affected by electrical shocks or doze grenades, but these reports have never been confirmed.  



The Sathar's double pupils give it very wide angle vision. They can see objects in front of them and to both sides at the same time. They smell through two pits in front of their eyes. The sharpness of their senses is not known, but UPF biologists assume their hearing, smell and taste is about the same as a Human's.  



Captured recordings show that Sathar can speak Yazirian and Human languages as well as PanGalactic. They hiss and lisp when they speak. Their native language has never been translated.  


Society and Customs  

Almost nothing is known about Sathar society. They have tried to kill every alien creature they have met in the Frontier, usually with alarming success. No one knows why the Sathar attack so viciously or what they hope to gain. All attempts to contact the Sathar peacefully have failed. No Sathar has ever been captured alive, because they kill themselves before they can be taken. In one case, an entire Sathar ship self-destructed to avoid being captured. Freeze fields have been applied to several dead Sathar in an attempt to have them revived, but biologists have not been able to find a revival technique that works on them.  


Scientists have proposed several theories, based on reports from observers. The most widely accepted was written by Gdtlask Gltak, a Vrusk sociologist. Gltak's theory states that all Sathar belong to military units called cadres. The markings on the back of the Sathar's head identify its cadre. Each cadre trains its members as soldiers from the time they are born. Gltak theorizes that Sathar attack alien worlds because their military society would fall apart if there was no enemy to fight.  


Readers are warned that this is only a theory. Until a Sathar is captured alive, their true motivation will not be known.  



All Sathar should be considered hostile and dangerous. Citizens of the Frontier who encounter Sathar are required by law to report the incident immediately. If escaping is impossible, citizens are advised to attack on sight, as friendly approaches have always failed in the past.  


Sathar also are known to use Dralasite, Human, Vrusk and Yazirian agents to overthrow Frontier governments, terrorize citizens and disrupt trade. Like the Sathar themselves, these agents are extremely dangerous. Suspicious beings should be reported immediately. Citizens are discouraged from attacking Sathar agents, as most are trained and experienced killers.  


Classified Information 
The following information is secret, and should not be given to players until they discover it in the course of the game.  

Hypnotism A Sathar can hypnotize a character by talking to him in a non-combat situation. The character must make a Logic check; if he fails, he is hypnotized. A hypnotized character will think the Sathar is his friend, and will want to cooperate with it. He will see things the way the Sathar describes them, if his other senses do not contradict what the Sathar tells him. (For example, a character would not believe that a fire was a pool of water). A Sathar can command a hypnotized person to do something at a specific time, and to forget that he has been hypnotized until that time. For example, a character could be commanded to turn off a security system at midnight. 


Ability Scores – A Sathar receives a +2 Charisma bonus offset by both –1 Intelligence and Dexterity adjustments. 


Primary Skill Area: Sathar tend to progress in Military and Technical PSAs but can “begin” with any PSA. 



Restrictions: Sathar use eight-sided dice (d8) to determine their hit points.

Part:2c --- PC INFO (continued)

Character Alignment  


Three basic ways of life guide the acts of both player characters and monsters. Each way of life is called an alignment. The three alignments are named Law, Chaos, and Neutrality. Each alignment has a language that includes hand signals and other body motions. Player characters always know how to speak their alignment language in addition to any others they may know. If a monster is able to speak, it will also be able to use its alignment language.  


Players may choose the alignments they feel will best fit their characters. A player does not have to tell other players what alignment he or she has picked, but must tell the DM. Most Lawful characters will reveal their alignment if asked. When picking alignments, the characters should know that Chaotics cannot be trusted, even by other Chaotics. A Chaotic character does not work well with other player characters.  


The alignments give guidelines for characters to live by. The characters will try to follow these guidelines, but may not always be successful. If a DM feels that a player is not keeping to a character's chosen alignment, the DM may suggest a change of alignment or give the character a punishment or penalty.  


Law (or Lawful) is the belief that everything should follow an order, and that obeying rules is the natural way of life. Lawful creatures will try to tell the truth, obey laws, and care about all living things. Lawful characters always try to keep their promises. They will try to obey laws as long as such laws are fair and just.  


If a choice must be made between the benefit of a group or an individual, a Lawful character will usually choose the group. Sometimes individual freedoms must be given up for the good of the group. Lawful characters and monsters often act in predictable ways. Lawful behavior is usually the same as behavior that could be called "good".  


Chaos (or Chaotic) is the opposite of Law. It is the belief that life is random, and that chance and luck rule the world. Everything happens by accident, and nothing can be predicted. Laws are made to be broken, as long as a person can get away with it. It is not important to keep promises, and lying and telling the truth are both useful.  


To a Chaotic creature, the individual is the most important of all things. Selfishness is the normal way of life, and the group is not important. Chaotics often act on sudden desires and whims. They cannot be trusted, and their behavior is hard to predict. They have a strong belief in the power of luck. Chaotic behavior is usually the same as behavior that could be called "evil".  


Neutrality (or Neutral) is the belief that the world is a balance between Law and Chaos. It is important that neither side get too much power and upset this balance. The individual is important, but so is the group; the two sides must work together.  


A Neutral character is most interested in personal survival. Such characters believe in their own wits and abilities rather than luck. They tend to return the treatment they receive from others. Neutral characters will join a party if they think it is in their own best interest, but will not be overly helpful unless there is some sort of profit in it. Neutral behavior may be considered "good" or "evil" (or neither!), depending on the situation.  


Example of Alignment Behavior  

THE SITUATION: A group of player characters is attacked by a group of Sathar. Escape is not possible unless the worms are slowed down.  


A Lawful character will fight to protect the group, whatever the danger. The character will not run away unless the whole group does.  


A Neutral character will fight to protect the group as long as it is reasonably safe to do so. If the danger gets too great, the character will try to save himself (or herself), even at the expense of the party.  


A Chaotic character might fight the monsters, or might run away. The character will not care what happens to the rest of the party.  


Alignment Languages  

Each alignment has a secret language of passwords, hand signals, and other body motions. Player characters and intelligent monsters will always know their alignment languages. They will also recognize when another alignment language is being spoken, but will not understand it. Alignment languages are not written down, nor may they be learned unless a character changes alignment. When this happens, the character forgets the old alignment language and starts using the new one immediately.  


Note that playing an alignment does not mean a character must do stupid things. A character should always act as intelligently as the Intelligence score shows, unless there is a reason to act otherwise (such as a magical curse). 


Cost of Weapons and Equipment  



BEAM WEAPONS / Cost in Credits / Mass in kg 

Electrostunner               500                       1  

Laser Pistol                     600                       1 

Laser Rifle                       800                       3  

Sonic Disruptor             700                        4  

Sonic Stunner                500                        1  

Heavy Laser                 6,000                      20  

Sonic Devastator        5,000                      15 


GYROJET WEAPONS / Cost in Credits / Mass in kg 

Gyrojet Pistol                         200                      1  

Gyrojet Rifle                           300                      4  

Grenade Rifle                         700                      4  

Grenade Mortar                  2,000                   15  

Rocket Launcher                 5,000                    15 


PROJECTILE WEAPONS / Cost in Credits / Mass in kg 

Automatic Pistol                      200                        2  

Automatic Rifle                        300                        4  

Needler Pistol                          200                         1 

Needler Rifle                            400                         3  

Machine Gun                         2,000                      20  

Recoilless Rifle                       4,000                      20 


GRENDADES   /   Cost in Credits / Mass in kg 

Doze Grenade             10                       0.2 

Frag. Grenade             20                       0.2 

Incendiary Grenade   20                       0.2 

Poison Grenade          30                       0.2 

Smoke Grenade          10                       0.2 

Tangler Grenade         25                       0.2 

MELEE WEAPONS / Cost in Credits / Mass in kg 

Brass Knuckles                 10                         1  

Electric Sword                150                        2  

Nightstick                         20                         1  

Polearm                            40                         4  

Shock Gloves                   50                          1  

Sonic Knife                       50                          1  

Sonic Sword                   300                         1  

StunStick                          75                          1   

VibroKnife                        25                         1 

ARCHAIC WEAPONS / Cost in Credits / Mass in kg 

Axe                                         15                         1  

Bow                                        50                         1  

Crossbow                             100                        2 

Knife                                      10                        0.5 

Musket                                 100                        2  

Spear                                     20                          1 

Sword                                    30                          2  

Whip                                      20                          1 



BEAM WEAPON AMMO / Cost in Credits / Mass in kg / Energy      

PowerClip                                  100                      0.2           20 SEU  

Power Beltpack                         250                        2             50 SEU  

Power Backpack                        500                        5           100 SEU 


GYROJET WEAPON AMMO / Cost in Credits / Mass in kg / Rounds      

Pistol JetClip                                     10                      0.2               10  

Rifle JetClip                                       20                      0.2               10  

Rifle JetClip, High Capacity            30                      0.3               20 

Grenade Bullet                                  3                       0.3                 1  

Grenade Shell                                    8                       0.8                 1  

Rocket                                                15                       4                   1  


PROJECTILE WEAPON AMMO / Cost in Credits / Mass in kg / Rounds      

Pistol BulletClip                                      2                       0.2              20  

Rifle BulletClip                                        5                       0.2              20  

Rifle BulletClip, High Capacity             8                       0.3              30 

Pistol NeedleClip                                  10                      0.1              10     

Rifle NeedleClip                                    20                      0.1              10  

Machine Gun Belt                                50                        4               200  

Recoilless Shell                                     10                        1                 1 

ARCHAIC WEAPON AMMO / Cost in Credits / Mass in kg / Rounds      

Arrow                                                   2                        0.5             20  

Powder and Shot                              10                         1               20  

Quarrel                                                 5                        0.5             20 



Power Screen  /  Price (Cr)  /  Mass (kg)  /  Energy Use  /  Defense Against  

Albedo Screen      2,000               2                 1 SEU/min              lasers   

Gauss Screen        1,000               2                 2 SEU/hit            electric stun  

Holo Screen          1,000               2                 1 SEU/min                   --  

Inertia Screen       2,000              3                   2 SEU/hit           ballistic/ melee  

Sonic Screen         2,000               2                 1 SEU/min                sonic  

                                                                             2 SEU/hit 

Defensive Suits  /  Price (Cr)  /  Mass (kg)  /  Energy Use  /  Defense Against 

AlbedoSuit                500                    1              100 points               laser  

Military SkeinSuit    300                    1                50 points        ballistic/melee  

Civilian SkeinSuit     500                    1                50 points        ballistic/melee 



Toolkit or Refill  /  Cost (Cr)  /  Mass (kg)  

EnviroKit                    500               10 

TechKit                       500               12  

RobComKit                500               10  

MedKit                       500               10  

- Antibody Plus           5                0.05  

- Antitox                       5                0.05 

- Biocort                      10               0.05 

- Omnimycin                5                0.05 

- StayDose                    5                 0.5 

- StimDose                    5                0.2 

- Telol                           10               0.1  



ITEM               /               Cost (Cr)  /  Mass (kg) 

All-weather Blanket          20                 --  

Anti-Shock Implant (r)    2,000              --  

ChronoCom (r)                   100               --  

Compass (r)                         10                 --  

EverFlame                            50                 --  

Exoskeleton*                   2,000                5  

Flashlight                              5                   --  

Freeze Field                     1,200                4  

Gas Mask                            30                   --  

HoloFlare                             5                    1  

Infra-Red Goggles (r)        300                  --  

Infra-Red Jammer* (r)      500                 1  

Life Jacket                            10                  1  

Machete                               30                 3  

MagniGoggles (r)               200                --  

ParaWing                            200                 3  

Poly-vox                            1,500                1  

Radiophone (r)                  500                 4  

Rope                                      2                   1  

SolvAway                             10                  --  

SubSpace Radio            20,000              100  

SunGoggles                          2                   --  

Survival Rations                  2                   0.1  

Tornadium D-19                50                   1  

Toxy-Rad Guage (r)           20                   --  

Variable Timer                    5                    --  

VitaSalt Pills                         1                    --  

Water Pack                          4                    4  


* This item must be plugged into a power pack to operate. It uses 1 SEU per minute while in operation.  

(r) This item can be added to a robot at its cost plus 10% installation fee. 


Standard Equipment Pack (150Cr / 1 kg) 

• Chronocom  

• Coveralls with pouches/pockets  

• Doze Grenade  

• First Aid Pack with bandages, antiseptic, etc.  

• ID Card  

• Pocket Tool  

• Staydose  

• Stimdose  

• Survival Rations (5 days)  


If the GM wishes to allow all characters to begin with a Standard Equipment Pack at no cost in order to enable more equipment at the start, assume the Doze Grenade, StimDose, StayDose, and Rations have already been used. 




Ground Car                                                                                                  

Price (Cr)                   5,000Cr (rental: 50Cr + 50Cr/Day) +500Cr VOP 

Top/Cruise Speed    100kph (170m/r) / 60kph (100m/r) 

Accel/Decel               60/40 m/r 

Passengers                up to 6 

Cargo Limit               150kg / 2 cubic meters 


Hover Car (AKA “Skimmer”)                                                                 

Price (Cr)                   8,000Cr (rental: 50Cr + 75Cr/Day) +500Cr VOP 

Top/Cruise Speed    150kph (250m/r) / 60kph (100m/r) 

Accel/Decel               80/40 m/r 

Passengers                up to 6 

Cargo Limit               100kg / 1.5 cubic meters 


Ground Transport                                                                                       

Price (Cr)                   15,000Cr (rental: 75Cr + 100Cr/Day) +500Cr VOP 

Top/Cruise Speed    75kph (125m/r) / 60kph (100m/r) 

Accel/Decel               40/30 m/r 

Passengers                up to 3 

Cargo Limit               10,000kg / 30 cubic meters 


Hover Transport                                                                                              

Price (Cr)                   15,000Cr (rental: 75Cr + 100Cr/Day) +500Cr VOP 

Top/Cruise Speed    150kph (250m/r) / 90kph (150m/r) 

Accel/Decel               60/30 m/r 

Passengers                up to 3 

Cargo Limit               10,000kg / 30 cubic meters 


Ground Cycle                                                                                               

Price (Cr)                   2,000Cr (rental: 25Cr + 25Cr/Day) +500Cr VOP 

Top/Cruise Speed    120kph (200m/r) / 60kph (100m/r) 

Accel/Decel               100/60 m/r 

Passengers                up to 2 

Cargo Limit               20kg / 0.5 cubic meter 

(insert ground & hover cycle race pic here)

Hover Cycle                                                                                             

Price (Cr)                   2,000Cr (rental: 25Cr + 25Cr/Day) +500Cr VOP 

Top/Cruise Speed    180kph (300m/r) / 100kph (170m/r) 

Accel/Decel               120/60 m/r 

Passengers                up to 2 


Cargo Limit               20kg / 0.5 cubic meter 

(insert yellow hovercycle pic here)


Price (Cr)                   2,000Cr (rental: 75Cr + 200Cr/Day) +500Cr VOP 

Top/Cruise Speed    90kph (150m/r) / 60kph (100m/r) 

Accel/Decel               60/40 m/r 

Passengers                up to 6 


Cargo Limit               2,000kg / 6 cubic meters 

(insert explorer pic here)


Price (Cr)                   3,000Cr (rental: 75Cr + 50Cr/Day) +250Cr VOP 

Top/Cruise Speed    100kph (175m/r) / 30kph (50m/r) 

Accel/Decel               50m/r for 20 rounds  /  20m/r 

Passengers                1 

Cargo Limit               15kg / 0.1 cubic meter 



Price (Cr)                   40,000Cr (rental: 100Cr + 80Cr/Day) +500Cr VOP 

Top/Cruise Speed    350kph (600m/r) / 50kph (80m/r) 

Accel/Decel               100/100 m/r  

Passengers                4 

Cargo Limit               500kg / 5 cubic meters 


Air Car                                                                                                                 

Price (Cr)                   50,000Cr (rental: 100Cr + 100Cr/Day) +500Cr VOP 

Top/Cruise Speed    900kph (1,500m/r) / 450kph (750m/r) 

Accel/Decel               100/100 m/r  

Passengers                4 

Cargo Limit               200kg / 2 cubic meters 


When player characters wish to speak with other life forms, it is often useful to be able to speak several languages. All characters and intelligent life forms capable of speech speak the language of their alignment (Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic). PanGalactic (or more simply "Common Tongue") is spoken by humans, dralasites, vrusks, and yazirians...along with their own native language. Many alien life forms speak their own language, named after said creature. Any creature with its own language has a 20% chance of also speaking one of the core four languages.  


A character with an above-average Intelligence score (13-18) may learn additional languages. At the player’s option, the character can leave open slots for future languages or fill them during character generation. Some suggested languages besides PanGalactic, the core four dialects, and the alignment languages are:  


1> Edestekai*   
2> Eorna* 

3> Kurabanda* 

4> Pirate Cant 

5> Planetary Dialect (choose any applicable world) 

6> Sathar (minimum Intelligence:16)  

7> Ul-Mor* 


* See the Volturnus adventure modules, characters must interact with these undiscovered alien races prior to learning their languages. The GM may wish to use more than one racial language or dialect for his or her campaign world. The choice of the name of the language (if any) is left up to each GM.  



If the GM wishes, a player may name an heir to inherit his or her worldly possessions upon the death of the character. The local authorities will, of course, take 10% in taxes, before giving the inheritance to the heir. This heir must always be a newly rolled up first level character. This "inheritance" should only occur once per player.  


"Hopeless Characters"  

Sometimes, a player may "roll up" a character who is below average in every ability, or who has more than one very low (3-6) ability score (such as a Vrusk with very low Dexterity and Constitution). The DM may declare the character to be not suited for dangerous adventure, and the player may be allowed to roll up a new character in place of the "hopeless" one.  



1. A printed character sheet is being used for this example, so it is not necessary to write down the ability names.  

2. 3d6 are rolled six times with the results of 13, 7, 11, 15, 14, and 8. These numbers are recorded in pencil next to (not in) the appropriate box.  

3. The highest ability score rolled was Strength; the player decides to make the character a Human with the Military PSA. As a new character, the character is, of course, in possession of two 1st level skills. The player opts for Projectile Weapons and Martial Arts. 

4. A Human has no special class abilities, so "None" is recorded under SPECIAL ABILITY DETAILS.  

5. The player realizes that the character would earn 10% extra experience points rather than 5% extra experience points if the character's prime requisite (Dexterity) was 16 instead of 15. So, the player opts to utilize the Human’s +1 to any ability score trait in order to raise the Dexterity score from 15 to 16. Furthermore, the player opts to drop Wisdom by two in order to boost Strength by one, which will assist the character in Martial Arts. The final scores of 14, 7, 9, 16,14, and 8 are recorded in the appropriate boxes.  

6. The player notes the bonuses and penalties due to the character's ability scores: A Dexterity score of 16 gives the character + 10% earned experience and a bonus of + 2 on "to hit" and initiative & dodging rolls. An Intelligence score of 7 means that the character can write simple PanGalactic & native human words. A Strength score of 14 gives the character a + 1 on "to hit" & damage rolls. A Constitution score of 14 gives the character a + 1 bonus when rolling a die (d10) to determine hit points. A Charisma score of 8 gives the character a -1 penalty when checking for reactions, and allows a maximum of 3 retainers whose morale score will be 6.  

7. Current experience is marked as "0", and 2000 is marked as the total necessary to reach 2nd level in Projectile Weapons or Martial Arts.  

8. The player rolls 1d10 to determine the number of hit points the character has. A roll of 7 + 1 due to the Constitution bonus, equals 8 hit points.  

9. The player decides to make the character Lawful, so Lawful is marked for Alignment.  

10. For money, the player rolls an 11 on 3d6, then multiplies by 10 and adds 170, which gives the character 280 Credits (Cr) with which to buy equipment. 280Cr is recorded under MONEY on the back of the character sheet.  

11. The player decides on the following list of equipment: 

 Since 108 gp were spent, the "110" is erased from under MONEY, and replaced with a "2".  

12. At first level Projectile Weapons and Martial Arts, the character needs a roll of 11 to hit (before any other combat modifiers are applied). The information is recorded in the appropriate boxes or circles. In hand-to-hand combat the character will add +1 to damage rolls due to the Strength bonus.  


13. This player is female and decides that her character will also be female. Inspired by the name of Morgan le Fay from Arthurian legends, the player decides that the name of Morgan Ironwolf would be a good name for her character. 

Part:3 --- SKILLS




A skill is an area of expertise, a particular ability earned by study or training, or professional discipline. Each skill has its own special set of useful actions. When the skill is utilized, the character has a certain chance of success based on personal abilities or a base chance for the skill itself, plus a bonus depending on the skill level. As characters increase in level the number and type of skills, they become more viable and self-sufficient.  


Each skill is divided into subskills. Subskills define exactly what types of things a skill lets a character do. For example, the Demolitions skill has two subskills: set charges and defuse charges. This means a character with the Demolitions skill can set and defuse explosive charges according to the rules listed under those subskills. When a character learns a skill, he automatically learns all of its subskills. 


Success Rates 


Each subskill has a success rate. The success rate consists of a basic chance to succeed, plus modifiers for the character's skill level. If the success rate for a subskill is "16 + skill level," then the character's chance to use the subskill successfully is attained by rolling a 16 or greater on d20 with a bonus of plus (2 x skill level). Some success rates have a second modifier, such as "14 + skill level - robot level." A character's chance to use this subskill successfully is rolling 14 or higher on d20 plus (2 x his skill level), minus (2 x the level of the robot he is working on). 


In many instances if a character who cannot talk or use hand motions for any reason (such as being bound or gagged) they cannot use a skill. Sometimes the victim of a skill used for attack may avoid or lessen its effects by making a saving throw. A saving throw represents the victim's ability to avoid or resist the worst effects of an incident by skill, luck, or reflexes. See SAVING THROWS (page B26) for more information. The victim of such a skill may only "save" (make a saving throw) if the skill description permits a saving throw to be made. If a character "saves", that character either takes ½ the given damage, or the skill has no effect, as listed in the skill description. Some skills (such as military skills) have a given range and duration. Range refers to how far, in feet (10' = ten feet) the skill may be utilized. A skill may be used to any distance up to its range. ("Range: 0" means that the spell is used by striking or contacting another creature) Duration refers to how long the effects of the spell will last. Duration is given either in rounds (of 10 seconds each) or turns (of 10 minutes each). The following section lists the spells in Star Frontiers rules alphabetically by their character class type and skill level. After the section on players' skills several advanced skills are given for the GM to use with high level NPCs.  



There are seven different Military skills. Five of them involve the use of weapons. Demolitions covers the use of explosives, and Martial Arts covers fighting without weapons or with melee weapons. Aside from the Demolition skill, all Military skills are separate, unlike the Technical and Bio-Social skills that have various sub-skills for each skill. Note when calculating a half-ability score to round down, hence half of 13 is 6½ rounded down to 6. The XP expenditure is as follows. 

(insert UPF Human pic here)

Level:1   1,000(2,000) 

Level:2   2,000(4,000) 

Level:3   4,000(8,000) 

Level:4   8,000(16,000) 

Level:5  16,000(32,000) 

Level:6  32,000(64,000) 



Success Rate: (21- ½DEX) +2/skill level 

This skill applies to electrostunners, heavy lasers, laser pistols, laser rifles, sonic devastators, sonic disruptors and sonic stunners.  


Success Rate: (21- ½DEX) +2/skill level 

This skill applies to gyrojet pistols, gyrojet rifles, grenade rifles, grenade mortars and rocket launchers.   


Success Rate: (21- ½DEX) +2/skill level 

This skill applies to automatic pistols and rifles, bows, muskets, needler pistols and rifles, machine guns and recoilless rifles.  


Success Rate: (21- ½DEX or ½STR) +2/skill level 

This skill applies to axes, brass knuckles, chains, clubs, swords, electric swords, sonic swords, knives, sonic knives, vibroknives, nightsticks, polearms, shock gloves, spears, stunsticks and whips.  


Success Rate: (21- ½DEX) +2/skill level 

This skill applies to all grenades and thrown axes, knives and spears 


Success Rate: (21 - 1/2 DEX or 1/2 STR) + 2/skill level  

Martial Arts skill makes a character a better fighter in melee. A character with Martial Arts skill can add +2 per level to his basic chance to hit with his bare hands in melee. The skill also increases the damage caused by a successful bare-hands attack, adding one point of damage per level.  


Martial Arts skill also gives the character three subskills: tumbling, defensive throws and nerve combat. Tumbling reduces damage from falling by -1 point of damage per skill level. Defensive throwing lets the character inflict damage when breaking out of a hold (same to hit roll as a regular attack). When a character with Martial Arts skill breaks out of a hold, he automatically knocks his opponent down, causing damage equal to half of his Strength score. Nerve combat increases the character's chance to knock out his opponent. The opponent must be one of the four major races. Starting with 21, the attacker gains a +1 chance to knock out the opponent per skill level on each attack via the d20 roll. Thus, a character with 4th level skill in Martial Arts would knock his opponent unconscious on a roll of 17-20. 

There are two subskills to the demolitions skill: set charge and defuse charge. Only a character with demolitions skill can legally buy or use explosives & detonators. Tornadium D-19, sometimes called kaboomite, is the standard explosive.  


Success Rate: 14 +2/skill level  

Only characters with demolitions skill can set charges. The number of turns needed to set a charge is the character's skill level subtracted from seven. At 1st level, a character needs six turns to set a charge, but at 6th level he needs only one turn. If a character fails the skill check to set and detonate the charge, the charge has not exploded and must be re-set. The referee should feel free to have the charge explode prematurely or late. Charges can be detonated by timer, radio signal or weapon fire. A timer lets the character set a time when the charge will explode. The timer can be adjusted to delay from 1 second to 60 hours. If a chronocom or subspace radio is available, charges can be set to explode when a particular signal is beamed at them. The chance to explode a charge with a radio beam is 10% less (-2 modifier) than normal Demolitions experts also can set off a charge with a laser. If the expert hits the charge, it explodes.  


Success Rate: 11 + [diffuser's skill level] - [setter's skill level] 

A demolitions expert can try to defuse a charge that was set by another expert. Defusing a charge takes one turn, no matter what level the expert is. The expert's chance to succeed is modified by adding 2 x his/her skill level and subtracting 2 x the skill level of the person that set the charge. A character can defuse one of his own charges automatically. 




Technological skills deal with various types of machines. There are three different Technological skills: Computer skill, Robotics and Technician. The Characters section goes into detail on each of these. The referee may allow the player to add +10 per level in this skill to any ability check dealing with technology. 


  (insert yazirian technician pic here)

Level:1   1,500(3,000) 

Level:2   3,000(6,000) 

Level:3   6,000(12,000) 

Level:4  12,000(24,000) 

Level:5  24,000(48,000) 

Level:6  48,000(96,400) 


There are three Technological skills: Computer skill, Robotics and Technician.  


Computer Skill  

There are eight separate subskills to Computer skill: Operate Computer, Write Programs, Defeat Security, Bypass Security, Display Information, Manipulate Programs, Interface Computers and Repair Computers. Computer programs have levels from 1 to 6, depending on their complexity. Computers also have levels from 1 to 6, depending on what programs they hold. These levels are explained in the descriptions of computers in the Equipment section. Computer specialists get only one chance to try a subskill on a computer. Success is automatic for some subskills under certain conditions, and other conditions are influenced by the skill level and/or computer level by a factor of 2 per level. If the computer was built by aliens (not Dralasites Humans, Vrusk or Yazirians) the success rates for the subskills are modified by -4.  



Success Rate: 1 + skill level - computer level  

Before he can use any other subskill, the computer specialist must be able to operate the particular type of computer he is working on. The chance to successfully operate a particular type of computer is 100% plus 2 x the expert's level, minus 2 x the computer's level. A roll of 96-00 is not automatic failure. Once a specialist has operated a computer successfully, he can operate that computer anytime, unless it is modified.  


Success Rate: special  

Computer specialists learn to write their own programs. For every skill level the specialist gains, he learns how to write one computer program. The player should pick a program from the list of programs in the Equipment section. When a specialist writes a program, its level is the same as his current level, no matter when he learned the program. For example, a computer specialist that learned the Installation Security program at 1st level can write a 4th level Installation Security program when he reaches the 4th skill level. A specialist can continue learning new programs after he reaches 6th level; each additional program costs 4 experience points to learn. A specialist that knows how to write a particular program can buy that program at half-price for his own computer. He gains a 20% bonus when trying to manipulate that program or detect security on it in any computer.  


Success Rate: 8 + skill level - program level  

If a computer has a Computer Security program, characters must break or bypass this program before they can perform any other subskill except repair. Defeating a security program involves a decoding process that can take a long time. Characters trying to break security must spend 1-10 hours working at the computer. Also, before a specialist tries to manipulate a program, he must find out whether the program itself has any security overrides. A security override will sound an alarm if anyone tries to run, alter or purge the program without first defeating or bypassing the security override. A security override is the same level as the computer's security program. The referee should make the roll to detect a security override secretly, since many programs have no overrides on them.  


Success Rate: 15 + skill level - program level  

A computer specialist can bypass a security program manually by rewiring the computer. This takes only 1dl0 minutes, but has several disadvantages: the chance for success is lower, it requires a RobComKit, and failing the roll will set off every alarm the computer has.  


Success Rate: 5 + skill level - computer level  

A specialist can use this skill to display any information in the computer's memory. It is especially useful for getting lists of programs that are stored in the computer, personal records, and raw, unprocessed data that is loaded and waiting to be fed into a program. A specialist gets a +20 modifier if he is trying to display information about a program he knows. He can automatically display information about programs he wrote in the computer. If a specialist displays an item successfully, he never needs to roll to display it again.  


Success Rate: 11 + skill level - program level  

A computer specialist has a chance to successfully run a program, change it or purge it from the computer. The normal chance of success is 50% plus 10 x the character's level, minus 10 x the program's level. If the program is one that the character has learned, he gets a +20% bonus. A specialist can run a program automatically if it is one he programmed into the computer himself, or if he has run it successfully in this computer before. A specialist may want to alter a program before running it. For example, a life support program will not let someone shut down the life support system or release a poison into the air. The program could be altered, however, so it would let the operator do either of those things. The referee should note that a character usually must run the program successfully after altering it before the changes will have any effect. This subskill also lets a specialist try to wipe out a program from a computer's memory, either to destroy the program or to make room for a different program. A character can purge a program automatically if he wrote it in the computer.  


Success Rate: 15 + skill level - computer level  

This subskill lets a character try to link two computers together, either by connecting them with wires or through some communication system such as phone lines or a radio link. Once the two computers are linked, the computer specialist can perform all subskills (except bypass security and repair) from either computer. The chance to successfully interface two computers is 30% plus 10 x the specialist's level, minus 10 x the highest of the two computers' levels.  


Success Rate: 13 + skill level  

When computers break down or are damaged, they can be repaired only by a computer specialist. The level of the computer does not affect the specialist's chance to repair it. Computers are repaired according to the standard repair rule.  


Robotics Skill  

A robotics expert specializes in robots. Robots are complex, mobile machines that are designed to perform specific jobs. Many types of robots are available. Eight common types are described in the Equipment section. The referee can create new types if he wants them. The robotics skill has nine subskills: Identify, Add Equipment, Repair, Activate/Deactivate, Remove Security Lock, List Functions, Alter Function and Alter Mission. If the robot is an alien design, then the robotics expert has a -20% modifier on his rolls to perform these subskills. A character must have a RobComKit to work on a robot.  


Robot Levels - There are six levels of robots. A robot's level indicates how complex it is. High-level robots can perform more complicated jobs. Level 1 robots can do only simple jobs. They have been pre-programmed for some specific job and usually can not do any other job. They can not communicate, and often are nothing more than moving, self-operated appliances.  


An example of a level 1 robot is a maintenance robot that washes and waxes the floors of a building each night.  

Level 2 robots can handle several simple jobs. They can receive and follow radio commands in binary machine language sent from some other machine, such as a robot brain or a computer. An example of a level 2 robot is a heavy machine that digs into and smashes up rock, then separates out flecks of gold. 

Level 3 robots can do more complicated jobs. In addition, all robots that are level 3 or higher can talk and follow verbal instructions. If these instructions disagree with the robot s programming, it will ignore the orders.  

Level 4 robots can act semi-independently. Their programs are flexible, letting the robot accomplish specific goals using different methods. When asked, "How do I get to the starport?" one level 4 service robot might give verbal directions, while another might photocopy a city map and mark the proper route on it.  

Level 5 robots can act independently and give orders to other robots (level 6 robots can do this also). For example, a level 5 security robot might decide to stop chasing a criminal because the criminal left victims tied up in a burning house. The robot could organize a rescue mission of other robots.  

Level 6 robots are self-programming. They can change the methods they use and even their goals to account for changing conditions. They are almost, but not quite, living machines. A robot brain that runs an automated manufacturing plant and alters the manufacturing process in response to changing economic conditions is an example of a level 6 robot.  


Robot Missions - All robots have a mission. A mission is a set of rules that tell the robot what its job is. A robot's mission is the most important order it has, and overrides any orders that conflict with it.  


Robot Functions - All robots have several functions that tell them how to accomplish their mission. Low-level robots cannot make decisions, so their functions must be very specific statements. Higher-level robots can make decisions for themselves, so their functions can be more general statements. For example, a level 3 security robot might have the mission: "Stop all unauthorized personnel from entering this building." Its functions could define "stop" as giving intruders a warning, then using the Restrain program to keep them from entering. "All unauthorized personnel" could be defined as any person or machine that is not wearing a special badge. The robot must be given a function that defines "this building," and another that tells it what areas it must patrol to look for intruders. Another function could instruct it to call the police and report the break-in after an intruder has been restrained.  



Success Rate: 1 + skill level - robot level  

A robotics expert has a chance to determine a robot's type and level simply by looking at the robot. The chance is 100% plus the specialist's level x 10, minus the robot's level x 10. Once a robot has been successfully identified, the expert can always identify that robot (unless its appearance is changed).  


Success Rate: 100%  

A robotics expert can install new equipment on a robot himself and save the 10% installation fee.  


Success Rate: 40% + skill level - robot level  

Only robotics experts can repair robots. Robots are repaired according to the standard repair rules.  


Success Rate: 100%  

A robotics expert can deactivate (turn off) a robot regardless of its level. The expert also can activate robots that have been deactivated. However, before a robotics specialist can deactivate the robot, list its functions, remove its security lock or alter its functions or mission, he must get at the robot's internal circuitry. This requires removing a protective plate, which takes one round. (The plate can be removed in one round even if the robot is fighting the character, but the character probably will take damage before he gets the plate off.) Once the plate is off, the robot can be deactivated in one turn.  


Success Rate: 70% + skill level - robot level  

If a robot has a security lock, the lock must be removed before someone can list the robot's functions or alter its functions or mission. A robot can be deactivated before the security lock is removed. Once a security lock has been removed it can not be used again. 


Success Rate: 90% + skill level - robot level  

A robotics expert can learn a robot's exact mission and functions, as well as get a list of all the programs in the robot, by using this subskill. Once a character has successfully listed the robot's function's, he can always list that robot's functions.  


Success Rate: 60% + skill level - robot level  

A robotics expert can change one of a robot's functions at a time. The character must roll separately for each function altered. Changing an altered function back to the original also requires a new roll. Changing a function takes 1d10 minutes. If the new function violates the robot's mission or requires programs the robot does not have, the robot will ignore the new function.  


Success Rate: 50% + skill level - robot level  

A robotics expert can try to alter a robot's mission. This takes 1d10 minutes plus the robot's level. Changing the robot's mission does not affect its functions; these must be altered individually. Once a mission has been changed, changing it back to the original mission requires another roll. If the new mission requires programs the robot does not have, the robot will still try to follow its new mission however it can.  


Robot Malfunctions - If a character fails a roll to remove a security lock or alter a robot's function or mission, the robot can malfunction. When this happens, the referee should roll d20 on the Malfunction Table.  



1-5      No Malfunction  

6-10    Program Destroyed  

11-15  Short Circuit  

16-18  Haywire  

19-20  Explosion  


No Malfunction -- The robot continues to function normally.  

Program Destroyed -- One of the robot's programs (picked randomly by the referee) has been destroyed. The robot can not perform any functions requiring that program. If all the programs in a robot are destroyed, the robot shuts itself off.  

Short Circuit -- The robot is still operating, but has been damaged. For example, a robot with a short circuit might stop suddenly every other turn, or rattle and spark while it works.  

Haywire -- The robot is completely out of control. It might attack at random, spin in circles, recite the Gettysburg Address, or do anything else the referee thinks fit the situation.  

Explosion -- The robot's parabattery explodes, causing 2d10 points of damage multiplied by the parabattery's type to the robotics expert.  


Technician Skill  

There are five Technician subskills: Operate Machinery, Repair, Detect Alarm/Defense, Deactivate Alarm/Defense and Open Locks. A techkit is needed for all these subskills except Operate Machinery.  



Success Rate: 50% + skill level  

Operating a vehicle includes starting it, driving it and using it to do anything it was designed to do. The chance to succeed includes the possibility that the technician may need to bypass a locked ignition to start the vehicle. Obviously, if the vehicle is damaged or out of fuel, it will not start until it is repaired or refueled. A technician gets one chance to operate an unfamiliar vehicle. If the technician has driven this type of machine before, he can start it and drive it automatically. A technician can try to operate any ground or water vehicle, regardless of his level. At 2nd level he can fly a jetcopter. At 4th level he can fly an aircar, and at 6th level he can operate rocket powered machines.  


Success Rate: 40% + skill level  

Technicians can repair vehicles, large and small machines, and electrical equipment (including video and communication devices). They can not repair computers or robots. Technicians use the standard repair rule. Besides repairing vehicles that have been damaged in combat, the referee can include mechanical breakdowns on random encounter tables. This is recommended if the characters are on a long cross- country journey, where a breakdown is likely and the nearest repair shop is several hundred kilometers (or light-years) away. When a vehicle breaks down, roll 2d10 on the following table to determine what has happened:  



2          broken axle or hoverfan*  

3-5      broken driveshaft or transmission*  

6-10    minor engine failure  

11-15  minor drive train failure  

16-17  broken suspension  

18-19  major engine failure, repairable*  

20        blown engine, unrepairable**  


* This breakdown takes twice as long to repair as a normal breakdown.  

** A blown engine can not be repaired in the field. In a shop, it takes four times longer to repair than a normal breakdown.  



Success Rate: 60% + skill level - alarm level  

Technicians have a chance to detect security alarms and defenses. The following table lists the types of alarms and traps and their levels. This same table is used with the Open Lock and Deactivate Alarm/ Defense subskills.  



Level:1 --- Simple Mechanical and Electrical    

Level:2 --- Motion and Pressure Sensitive  

Level:3 --- Infra-red Beams and Sound Sensitive  

Level:4 --- Video  

Level:5 --- Heat Sensitive  

Level:6 --- Personalized Recognition Devices (fingerprints, voice patterns, etc.)  



Success Rate: 40% + skill level - alarm level  

Once a technician has detected an alarm or defense, he can try to deactivate it. If the character fails, the referee must decide whether the alarm goes off; if the roll was missed by only a small amount, the alarm might not have been triggered.  


Success Rate: 50% + skill level - lock level  

A technician can try to open locks without the necessary "key." The level of a lock usually is the same as the level of any nearby security devices, but the referee may change this. The referee should reduce the chance to succeed if the lock is on a safe or security vault. 



Bio-Social skills deal with the intelligent races and their surroundings. There are three different Bio-Social skills: Environmental, Medical and Psycho-Social. The Characters section goes into detail on each of these. The referee may allow the player to add +2 per level in this skill to any ability check dealing with biology, health, fitness, and social interaction. 

(insert vrusk medic pic here)

Level:1   2,000(4,000) 

Level:2   4,000(8,000) 

Level:3   8,000(16,000) 

Level:4  16,000(32,000) 

Level:5  32,000(64,000) 

Level:6  64,000(128,000) 


There are three Biosocial skills: Environmental, Medical and Psycho-Social.  


Environmental Skill  

Environmental Skill deals with relationships between intelligent life and nature. An environmental specialist has training in astronomy, biology, botany, chemistry, ecology and geology. There are nine Environmental subskills: Analyze Samples, Analyze Ecosystem, Find Direction, Survival, Make Tools/Weapons, Tracking, Stealth, Concealment and Naming. When an environmentalist is dealing with an alien or unknown environment, he has a -20 modifier on his rolls to analyze samples or the ecosystem, find direction, track or use survival.  



Success Rate: 50% + skill level  

An environmental specialist can analyze atmospheric, biological or geological samples. An environmental specialist can use a VaporScanner to analyze atmospheric samples. If the analysis succeeds, the VaporScanner will indicate whether the air is breathable or poisonous, and what gases. are present. The specialist needs a BioScanner to analyze a biological sample. If the analysis succeeds, the BioScanner will indicate what type of plant or animal the sample was, and whether it is edible or poisonous. A GeoScanner can be used to analyze geological samples. If the analysis succeeds, the GeoScanner indicates what minerals are present in the sample and the possibility of finding rich ore or gas in the area.  


Success Rate: 30% + skill level  

An ecosystem is the combination of all the plants and animals that make up the local environment, and their relationships to each other. If an ecosystem is upset or thrown out of balance, entire species can become extinct and whole regions devastated by floods, droughts or other natural disasters. One of the environmental specialist's jobs is to analyze local ecosystems and determine whether they are balanced and, if not, to determine what can be done to restore balance. An environmentalist must spend at least 200 hours studying the area to use this subskill.  


Success Rate: 50% + skill level  

An environmental specialist can try to find directions in a wilderness without a compass or other aid. If the specialist makes a map or marks a trail (by cutting notches in trees or lining up rocks), his chance to find a direction on that path is increased 30%.  


Success Rate: 40% + skill level  

This subskill gives a specialist a chance to do several things related to survival: find food or water (if any is available in the area), find or improvise shelter, and set or avoid traps. If a trap is set in a built-up area (city, farm community, etc.), there is a 50% chance it will be noticed. This subskill also lets the environmental specialist make a special Intuition check to predict natural disasters.  


Success Rate: 100% if materials are available  

An environmental specialist can make tools and weapons out of stones, sticks, cords, and other natural materials. Only bows, axes, clubs, knives and spears can be made. Only the spear can be balanced well enough to use as a thrown weapon. The referee may allow an environmentalist to improvise tools and weapons from wreckage and scrap parts.  


Success Rate: 30% + skill level  

An environmental specialist has a chance to follow a creature, person or machine by watching for its trail. This skill works only in the wilderness, not in settled areas. The specialist also can use this subskill to cover his own tracks.  


Success Rate: 20% + skill level  

Stealth is the ability to move without being seen or heard. This ability is useful for stalking animals, but also can be used to sneak up on guards of follow suspects.  


Success Rate: 10% + skill level  

Concealment is the art of hiding in natural cover. Once concealed there is an 80% chance the specialist will not be seen as long as he does not move or make noise.  


Success Rate: 100%  

One of the benefits of being an environmental specialist is that when he discovers a new plant, animal, mountain range, sea, etc., he is allowed to name the new discovery.  


Medical Skill  

A character that has Medical skill is called a medic. Medics need a MedKit to use their skill. Medics diagnose ailments, heal wounds, control infections, neutralize poisons, cure diseases, wake up unconscious individuals and prevent tissue deterioration.  


There are nine Medical subskills: Administer Drugs, Diagnosis, First Aid, Minor Surgery, Major Surgery, Control Infection, Cure Disease, Neutralize Toxins and Activate Freeze Field. If a patient is treated in a hospital or sick bay all Success Rates are increased 20%. If the patient is an animal or an unfamiliar alien, all Success Rates are reduced 20%. These two modifiers are cumulative, so the chance to perform major surgery on an unfamiliar alien at a hospital is normal.  



Success Rate: 100%  

Three drugs are covered under this subskill: StimDose, StayDose and Telol. A medic can use one dose of StimDose to revive a paralyzed or stunned character, or to restore 10 hit points to a character that was poisoned or contracted a disease or infection. It can also temporarily restore up to 10 hit points of wound damage for 4 hours (24 turns), although if further damage is accrued that drops below 0 (taking into consideration of the original hit points prior to injection) the character will lapse into unconsciousness (albeit without further loss of hit points, waking up after 1d6 hours)StimDose can only be given by a medic. If more than one dose is given in a 20-hour period, the second dose has no effect.  


A medic can use one dose of StayDose to place an individual in a state of arrested animation. A character whose hit points have been reduced to 0, but not below -10, will be brought back to life by the drug if it is injected prior to surpassing -10 turns hit points. The StayDose slows down the character's heartbeat and breathing so he can survive with negative hit points. If the character's hit points are brought back above 0 within 24 hours, he will live. If not, the character dies. Only one dose of StayDose can be given to a character, until his ht points are raised above 0.  


Telol is a truth drug. Only a medic can administer it correctly. There is an 80% chance the Telol will work. If it does, the injected character will answer up to five simple questions, using simple answers. An injected character passes out for 1d10 hours, whether the drug works or not.  



Success Rate: 60% + skill level  

A MedScanner will give a medic a brief diagnosis. This diagnosis will outline the patient's general symptoms and will identify the ailment as a wound, a disease, a poison or an infection. Once the medic has a general diagnosis, he can use this subskill to get a specific diagnosis. If he passes the skill check, the medic knows exactly what the ailment is. With this information, the medic can use one of his other subskills to heal the wound, control the infection, cure the disease or neutralize the toxin. Without a specific diagnosis, a medic can not use a subskill to treat a victim. However, the medic can use the MedScanner's general diagnosis as a guide to which drug the victim needs. After the medic gives the injection, the victim must roll his Constitution or less on d20 to overcome the effect of the poison, disease or infection. If the victim fails this roll, the drug has no effect. A second dose given within 20 hours automatically has no effect.  


Success Rate: 100%  

A medic can heal 10 points of wound damage automatically by using one dose of Biocort plus any appropriate items from the MedKit (local anesthetics, PlastiFlesh Spray, etc.) Only one shot of Biocort can be given to a character in a 20-hour period. If a second shot is given within 20 hours, it has no effect. If a character suffered more than 10 hit points of damage, the medic must use major or minor surgery to heal him completely. Biocort has no effect on poisons, infections or diseases.  


Success Rate: 40% + skill level  

Minor surgery can heal up to 10 hit points of damage. This is in addition to the 10 points that can be healed with first aid. For every 10 points of damage (or fraction of 10 points) that is healed, an additional dose of Biocort is required. Minor surgery also uses one dose of anesthetic. If the surgery fails, the patient does not recover any Stamina points and one dose of Biocort is used.  


Success Rate: 20% + skill level  

Major surgery can heal any amount of damage to a character. For every 10 points of damage (or fraction of 10 points) healed, a dose of Biocort is used. The only limit to the amount of damage that can be healed is the patient's original hit points and the supply of Biocort. If the operation fails, the patient does not recover any hit points and one dose of Biocort is used up. The medic can try minor surgery on the same patient, if he has not already. Major surgery also requires one dose of Anesthetic. Major and minor surgery are effective only on wounds. They can not be used to heal damage from infections, diseases or poisons.  


Success Rate: 50% skill level  

Controlling infection requires a dose of Omnimycin. If the attempt fails, the Omnimycin is used up and the infection is out of control. Infections are rated by their infection strength (S) and duration (D). The infection causes a specific amount of damage every 10 hours. For example, an S4/D6 infection causes four points of damage every 10 hours for 60 hours if it is not controlled. CURING DISEASES  

Success Rate: 40% + skill level  

Curing a disease requires a dose of Antibody Plus. If the attempt fails, the Antibody Plus has been used up and the disease has not been cured. Diseases are rated according to how they modify ability checks, how long the modification lasts and whether the disease is fatal. The modifier is a negative number and the duration is in 10-hour periods. If the duration is followed by an exclamation mark, the disease will kill anyone it has infected after that length of time unless the disease is treated at a hospital. For example, a -1/D6! disease modifies every ability check the character makes by -1 for 60 hours. The victim will die after 60 hours unless he is treated successfully at a hospital.  


Success Rate: 30% + skill level  

Neutralizing a poison inside a victim's body requires a dose of Antitox. Poisons are rated like infections, according to how much damage they cause and for how long. Poison damage is inflicted every turn instead of every 10 hours, and the duration is in turns. An S2/T8 poison will cause 2 hit points of damage every turn for 8 turns. Neutralizing a poison stops the poison from causing any more damage, but does not heal damage the poison caused on earlier turns.  


Success Rate: 30% + skill level  

A freeze field is a device that places a body in stasis and preserves it until it can be revived. Only a medic can activate a freeze field correctly. A freeze field must be activated within two minutes (20 rounds) after death, or the body can not be revived. Activating the field takes five rounds. The process can be interrupted, as long as the field is completely activated within the two-minute time limit. If the medic does not pass his skill check and there is at least one minute left in the time limit, he has two options: he can make a second attempt to activate the field, or he can inject the body with StayDose. If the second attempt to activate the field fails, the body can not be revived.  


Psycho-Social Skill  

Psycho-Social skill gives a character an advantage when dealing with individuals or groups of intelligent beings. The skill can be used when dealing with any of the major races as well as any other intelligent species the character encounters. There are five Psycho-Social subskills: empathy, persuasion, communication, hypnosis, and psycho-pathology.  


Racial Bonuses - Because Vrusk have the racial ability of Comprehension, they gain +1 bonus on all rolls involving Psycho-Social skill. Dralasites get a bonus of +2 when using empathy, because of their racial ability to detect lies. These modifiers apply only if the character has Psycho-Social skill.  



Success rate: 10% + skill level  

Empathy allows a character to get a general impression of the mood and intentions of individuals or groups. In order to use this skill, the specialist must be able to see or hear the individual or group. The information that a character gains by using this skill is very vague and non-specific. The referee should use descriptions like hostile, curious, cautious, helpful, neutral, etc. Empathy can be used by a character only once per encounter. If two characters in the group have Psycho-Social skill, each can try to use their empathy subskill.  


Success rate: 10% + skill level  

Persuasion lets a character try to convince a person or group to follow a reasonable course of action suggested by the character. The character must explain his plan to the group or person being persuaded. If the character must use a translator, he has a -10% modifier. A character can try to persuade a group or individual only once. If the character misses his roll by 50 points or more, his audience will get mad and might try to do something that is the opposite of what the character wanted.  


Success rate: 40% + skill level  

This subskill can be used when a character must communicate with a creature whose language he does not speak or understand. If the character uses this subskill successfully, he can communicate using very simple messages. The referee might force players to use simple messages by restricting them to two-word phrases.  


Success rate: 15% + skill level  

In order to hypnotize a character, the hypnotist must be able to speak to the subject in a common language without a translator. If the person being hypnotized is willing, this is the only requirement. If the subject does not realize he is being hypnotized, he gets to make an Intuition check. If he passes the check, the subject realizes what is happening and can not be hypnotized. If he fails the check, he can be hypnotized normally. No one can be hypnotized against his will if he realizes he is being hypnotized. A character may try to hypnotize only one subject at a time. Hypnotizing someone takes 1d10 minutes. The hypnotist can try to hypnotize a willing subject a second time if the first attempt fails. If the subject is unwilling, the hypnotist gets only one chance to hypnotize him. If the attempt fails, the subject gets to make another Intuition check to realize what has happened. Hypnosis can be used to give a character a +10 modifier on all rolls to hit in melee. This effect lasts one hour, and can be used on a character only once every 20 hours. Hypnosis also can be used as an anesthetic. A wounded character that is hypnotized can ignore the wound modifier in combat. This effect lasts 1d10 hours and can be used on a character only once every 20 hours. A hypnotist's most powerful ability is suggestion. A hypnotized subject will believe almost anything the hypnotist tells him. The hypnotized character will not do something that is against his moral code or religion, but he can be tricked into doing things he would not normally do. The hypnotist must give the subject a good reason to do something unusual, or convince him that the situation is not exactly as it seems. For example, a hypnotized guard will not let unauthorized persons into a restricted area. If the hypnotist tells the guard that he is authorized but has forgotten his pass, the guard will let him in.  


Success Rate: 30% + skill level  


Psycho-pathology subskill lets the specialist try to help characters or creatures that are psychologically disturbed. Extreme fright, isolation, or even unusual air and food chemistry can seriously affect an explorer's mental condition. A psycho-pathologist can help characters recover their confidence or forget their traumatic experiences. The specialist also can determine what will reassure or frighten an alien or primitive. 






Beginning the Adventure  

When the players have rolled up their characters and bought their equipment, the GM will describe the background of the adventure. This might include information about the place the characters start from, the names of any NPC companions or retainers they will have, and some rumors about the dungeon the party is going to explore.

Party Size and Composition

It is not wise to adventure alone, for the monsters which may be encountered are numerous. It is much safer to go adventuring with a group of people who can help and protect each other. The best size for an adventure party is 6-8 characters, enough to handle the challenges which will be faced, but not too many, to become disorganized or to ruin chances to surprise the monsters.

(to be completed)




When a party embarks on an adventure for the first time, they must be ready to deal with the aliens, strange creatures, and other Frontier citizens they will meet: some foul, some fair, some intelligent, some not; the variety is endless. Such a meeting is called an encounter, and such beings encountered are called monsters. The GM will find it useful to make a list of monster encounters before the adventure starts, noting their Number Appearing, Armor Class, hit points, and so forth. Having this information prepared before the adventure will speed play during the game. These monsters will often have a reason for being in the area (such as looking for food or a particular item, carrying a message, and so forth).  

(to be completed)

Part:6 --- MONSTERS



Any creature that is not a player character is called a monster. Monsters may be friendly or unfriendly, wild or tame, normal beasts or fantastic, diabolical or friendly aliens, or even other dralasites, humans, vrusk, and yazirians. The GM will choose, from these monsters, the friends and opponents of the players. The monsters are listed in alphabetical order to aid quick reference. Other monsters can be found in the STAR FRONTIERS® EXPERT rules and in the STAR FRONTIERS ® COMPANION supplement rules.  







 Laborer TechExpertScienctist CorporateExplorerStar LawLandFleetMilitia  SpaceFleet Criminal 
PSA Tech/Bio TechnicalBioSocial Tech/Mil Military  Mil/TechMilitary Military Technical RANDOM 
 Enlistment 6+ 9+ 10+ 7+  11+  14+ 8+  13+  16+  4+ 
 DM +1 if:STR 45+LOG 50+ INT 50+ LDR 50+ LOG45+LOG45+DEX 45+LOG50+ LOG 55+      -- 
 DM +2 if:STA 50+DEX 50+ LOG 60+ INT 60+ STA55+STR50+ STA45+ SYR55+ LDR 60+       --  
 Survival6+ 5+ 7+ 6+ 11+ 9+ 8+ 9+ 8+ 12+ 
 DM +2 if:DEX 50+RS 60+ LOG 60+ LOG 65+ STA60+ LDR50+ LOG45+ STA55+ LOG 50+ LOG55+ 
 Commission      --  7+      -- 8+       -- 10+ 8+ 14+ 6+       -- 
 DM +1 ifL      -- LOG 55+       -- LDR 60+       -- STA55+ STA 50+ LOG50+ LOG 55+       -- 
Promotion       --  11+      -- 10+       -- 13+ 9+ 15+ 16+       -- 
 DM +1 if:      -- INT 60+      -- LOG 60+       -- LDR55+ LOG50+ LDR60+ INT60+       -- 
 Incidental INT½ INT INT ½ INT INT½ INT ½ INT ½ INT ½ INT  INT 
 Reenlist5+ 6+ 7+ 4+ 3+ 11+ 10+ 8+ 8+ 6+

For the initial term of service.........2
Per subsequent term of service..... 1
Upon receiving a commission........ 1
Upon receiving a promotion ......... 1
Incidental Acquisition .................. 1


Personal Development
 Laborer TechExpert Scientist Corporate Explorer Star Law LandFleet Militia SpaceFleet Criminal 

 Laborer TechExpert Scientist Corporate Explorer Star Law LandFleet Militia SpaceFleet Criminal 

Advenced Education (LOG:55+)
 Laborer TechExpert Scientist Corporate Explorer Star Law LandFleet Militia SpaceFleet Criminal 



 Laborer TechExpertScienctist CorporateExplorerStar LawLandFleetMilitia  SpaceFleet Criminal 
PSA Tech/Bio TechnicalBioSocial Tech/Mil Military  Mil/TechMilitary Military Technical RANDOM 
 Enlistment 6+ 9+ 10+ 7+  11+  14+ 8+  13+  16+  4+ 
 DM +1 if:STR 45+LOG 50+ INT 50+ LDR 50+ LOG45+LOG45+DEX 45+LOG50+ LOG 55+      -- 
 DM +2 if:STA 50+DEX 50+ LOG 60+ INT 60+ STA55+STR50+ STA45+ SYR55+ LDR 60+       --  
 Survival6+ 5+ 7+ 6+ 11+ 9+ 8+ 9+ 8+ 12+ 
 DM +2 if:DEX 50+RS 60+ LOG 60+ LOG 65+ STA60+ LDR50+ LOG45+ STA55+ LOG 50+ LOG55+ 
 Commission      --  7+      -- 8+       -- 10+ 8+ 14+ 6+       -- 
 DM +1 ifL      -- LOG 55+       -- LDR 60+       -- STA55+ STA 50+ LOG50+ LOG 55+       -- 
Promotion       --  11+      -- 10+       -- 13+ 9+ 15+ 16+       -- 
 DM +1 if:      -- INT 60+      -- LOG 60+       -- LDR55+ LOG50+ LDR60+ INT60+       -- 
 Incidental INT½ INT INT ½ INT INT½ INT ½ INT ½ INT ½ INT  INT 
 Reenlist5+ 6+ 7+ 4+ 3+ 11+ 10+ 8+ 8+ 6+


Personal Development
 Laborer TechExpert Scientist Corporate Explorer Star Law LandFleet Militia SpaceFleet Criminal 

 Laborer TechExpert Scientist Corporate Explorer Star Law LandFleet Militia SpaceFleet Criminal 

Advenced Education (LOG:55+)
 Laborer TechExpert Scientist Corporate Explorer Star Law LandFleet Militia SpaceFleet Criminal 

 RATINGLaborer TechExpert Scientist Corporate Explorer Star Law LandFleet Militia SpaceFleet Criminal 


 Laborer Tech Expert Scientist Corporate Explorer Star Law Land Fleet Militia Space Fleet Criminal 

5 terms   4000Cr 
6 terms   6000Cr 
7 terms   8000Cr 
8 terms  10000Cr 
each additional term+ 2000Cr