NPC Robot Examples

In this section you will find examples from Star FrontiersMan and various only Play by Post forums to give you ideas to create your own PC's, NPC's and robots.

CleanCutRouge has an excellent article on "SENTIENT ROBOT CHARACTERS" Here is an example from the article :

Squatto took on his own name after Improved AI installation. He
read the name in a StarLaw blotter, and took a liking to it. Squatto
was a StarLaw police robotic mount. StarLaw officers would ride
on his back and provide nice conversation and companionship to
him, as well as militant backup when needed. His standard body
type has a centaur-like shape (the Referee permits him to carry up
to a 100kg rider without affecting his movement rate). Before
conversion, he had the Restrain and Security Lock programs, along
with an integrated electrostunner as a right hand.
Squatto still works for StarLaw, but isn’t an officer. He is
considered property, but he doesn’t mind that. He forms a strong
bond with his rider, and only allows someone he trusts to mount
up. Since he isn’t paid for his work, he is actually free to come and
go as he pleases. For now, he’ll continue his StarLaw life.

IM +6
PS 1d10+3
INT/LOG45/45RW 30
PER/LDR30/30MW 30

Skills: Military PSA, Beam Weapons 1, Martial Arts 1

Equipment: Type 1 Parabattery (500SEU),
Integrated: Electrostunner, Chronocom, Compass.


Assassin Bot

Assassin Bot
Wartech surprised the Frontier when it created the first marketed Assassin bot. It was outsourced to Tachyon
Industries, but proprietary rights to their production and programming belong to Wartech. Before this, robots designed for search and destroy were marketed as “hunter bots” or “seekers.” Wartech went out on a limb, defied morality polls and called this marvelous creation exactly what it is.

They work alone, using the creativity and insight of a level 5 robot brain. They maintain their own network of contacts, paying them and protecting them if necessary. They link to computer systems to navigate their catalogs, itineraries, manifests, and inventories in order to seek out their target, or clues to his existence. Once on the trail of their target, the Assassin Bot stops at nothing.

Once activated, an employer must take excellent care of his Assassin Bot, lest it thinks its employing owner is interfering with his mission. When given a target, the Assassin Bot may ask for high resources and vehicles, and if it is within the capabilities of the owner, it better be provided.

The Assassin Bot prefers to attack with two weapons. It is ambidextrous, so has no “off hand” penalty. It still suffers the -10 for attacking with two weapons, but the +10 modifier provided by use of a mono-katana offsets that so his chance to hit is the same as his chance to hit unarmed. Note that the unarmed damage of the Assassin Bot is greater than the damage caused by his weapons, but he would only be permitted one attack per round unarmed.

LevelLevel 5
can converse verbally, act independently, and can command other robots of Level 1-4
Type Warbot
Body TypeHeavy Duty Body
Parabattery Type 2
Move ModeTwo Mechanical Legs/Rocket Power
Find, Approach, and Destroy Target, return with Proof.

Find: Use all methods available, through resourceful planning and use of established contacts, technology, and innovation, to find the target anywhere in the Frontier.

Approach: Once the target is Found, using any transportation method possible and most appropriate to the situation, find a way to be in the same place as the target at the same time. Subtlety is not necessary, but may be used if necessary for the situation. Try not to kill those who get in the way, including personal protectors of the Target, unless failing to do so would result in failure of the mission.

Destroy: In the most direct manner, cause the target to be dead, through the use of weapons, environment, or any other factor that comes into play. Do not destroy completely – must bring back some part of the target for identification purposes.

Target: The identity of the target will be programmed in via photograph scans and various other methods, including all known details of the target’s life. The greater the definition of the Target, the more efficiently the Assassin Bot will be able to track and destroy it. Note that “Target” need not be a person. It can also be a creature, item, or location, which can result in some fairly impressive firework displays.

Proof: Proof can be provided by bringing back evidence that cannot be denied in any way – such as a finger, head, or un-tampered holovideo recording or living first-hand witness.