RDW-270 Loki (Light Bomber)
RDW-270 Loki BomberHS: 1
HP: 7
Engines: 2 class-A atomic engines
Weaponry: 10x Proton Bombs with two launchers (3d10, can only be fired straight down), two chainguns (1d10)
Defenses: reflective hull
Crew: 1
MR/ADF: 6/6
This bomber, while very lightly armored, packs a punch rarely seen by craft its size. The smallest ship capable of substantial attack on a capital ship, the RDW-270 "Loki" Bomber carries 5 proton bombs in its two launchers, creating a potential for huge amounts of damage to any ship it successfully launches against. One chaingun faces behind the ship to ward off any attacks from behind, while the other faces forward. Redwillow, Inc.'s revolutionary fighter design with two engines allows for large amounts of speed. The "Loki" bomber isn't meant for stealth missions, as its size and speed are better suited to quick hit-and-run attacks with a squadron of Valkyrie Interceptors. It can fit in the same space a normal fighter can.