SHA-600 Warrior-class Scoutships (Heavy Scoutships)
SHA-600 Warrior-class Scoutships

HS: 2
HP: 15
Engines: 2 class-A atomic
Weapons: Chaingun (1d10, mounted under the cockpit), 2 pod laser batteries (2d10, one on each wing)
Crew: 4
Defenses: reflective hull
MR/ADF: 6/5
An experiment that came to fruition after the First Sathar War as a product of the original Shaman Starship Co., the Warrior-class scoutship is arguably the precursor to the Assault Scout, although this has never been proven. These ships, while small and of little use against large fighting ships, are very useful against smaller craft such as Interceptors, Fighters, Bombers, Assault Scouts, and Corvettes. They are among the faster classes of ships on the Frontier, as the extra engine mounted on the back gives the ship an extra punch of speed. The ships are small enough to land on planets, and are slightly more heavily armed than an Assault Scout, but not as heavily armored. The Warrior-class scoutship, while mostly obsolete, is at its best in a squadron of about 5, attacking a squadron of Assault Scouts, as its heavier cousins are slower and less maneuverable as well as having less weapons. It is able to be docked in a fighter bay, but takes up twice the space. These ships can be delineated from newer Shaman ships because of their call letters: original Shaman ships used call SHA-, whereas the Redwillow-run Shaman Shipbuilding Co. uses MP- as their call letters.