Small Combat Ships
This part of the Giant Fleet project is to showcase those ships under HS 5 that are different from the average. Whether it be a modified Assault Scout, an armor-plated Corvette, or an ultralight Fighter, this page is for all types of small fighting craft.
Falcon-class Corvettes (Scout Corvettes)
Falcon-class Corvette

HS: 4
HP: 25
Engines: 3 type-A Atomic, 2 type-A chemical
MR/ADF: 6/6 (with all engines, MR/ADF is 7/6.25)
Weapons: two pod laser batteries (one on top of the ship, one on the bottom, 2d10), assault rocket launcher (mounted just below the cockpit)
Defenses: Deflector shields (defends against 30 points of energy damage), reflective hull, cloaking device (blocks radar and has a 35% chance to block energy scanners)
Crew: 8
Size: 70m x 85 m x 7 m
A variation of the Corvette, a Falcon-class corvette is a modified size 4 freighter mainly used for stealth missions simply because of its speed and maneuverability. Its shields also make it a formidable foe when forced to fight, as the only things that will easily get through will be rockets and torpedoes. The two pod laser batteries pack quite a punch when fired at the same target, as they are able to fire in all directions. The Falcon-class corvette is possibly the fastest ship known to the Frontier, especially when firing all engines. While its speed is legendary, its maneuverability is unmatchable to anything currently in use. This ship has been in use since starships were created, as the blueprints for the ship were found by the humans after colonizing Theseus and has had only minor changes occur in the design since. Arguably its most useful trick is its cloaking device, a small apparatus located on top of the cockpit that scrambles radar signals and will occasionally create problems in an energy sensor system as well. A unique feature of this corvette is that it can be outfitted with a one-man fighter in a bay between the "fins" on the front of the ship. Despite its odd shape, it can land on planets, and two chemical engines help it move inside a planet's atmosphere.
Milano-class Corvettes (Heavy Corvettes)
Milano-class Corvette

HS: 4 (Corvette)
Able to land on planets
HP: 35
Engines: 2 type-A atomic, 4 type-A chemical
Weapons: Laser Cannon (mounted below the cockpit), 2 laser batteries (one on either side of the cockpit), assault rocket launcher (attached to the Laser Cannon), 2 chainguns (1d10, one under each wing)
Defenses: Masking screen, reflective hull, decoy
MR/ADF: 4/4 (with all engines engaged, MR/ADF is 6/6)
Crew: 8
Size: 94m length, 10 m diameter
One of the more powerful (and large) aspects of the Corvette, the Milano-class corvettes utilize weaponry from assault scouts and frigates effortlessly. Their small size (and aerodynamic wings) allow them to land on planets, where their chemical drives allow them to navigate around a planet’s surface. Their unique plating allows them to hold their own against ships much larger than themselves, but they’re in trouble if anything gets behind them. Their defenses are above average, as they contains as many defensive items as a frigate, but their main strength lies in their speed. The Milano-class corvette can fire all of its engines in a last-ditch effort to escape an enemy, which allows it to move faster than all but the quickest craft. It can out-maneuver enemies half its size, and is known for its outstanding dodging. This craft is known for being a dangerous enemy for anything that crosses it.
MP-21 Lightning-class Scoutships (Stealth Bombers)
MP-21 Lightning-class Scoutships

HS: 2
Engines: 1 type-A atomic
HP: 15
Weapons: Photon Bomb x5 (3d10, can only be dropped down, percentage is same as a laser battery), 2 heavy rocket launchers (3d10, can only be fired at large targets, percentage is same as a torpedo), 4 chainguns (1d10, two on either side of the cockpit)
Defenses: Reflective Hull
MR/ADF: 3/2
Crew: 4
A product of the recently revived Shaman Starship Co., the so-called "stealth bomber" is equipped with some very high-tech equipment that make it invaluable to attacks on capital ships. It has a cloaking device, a black paintjob that makes it nearly invisible in space, and a radar jammer that can cover any escort ships travelling with it. A squadron of these bombers could take out a major capital ship in one, maybe two rounds of bombing. However, if they are discovered, they are sitting ducks for a ship of any size. Their only anti-fighter defense is their 4 forward-facing chainguns, which aren't very useful to this slow-turning ship. It can be docked in the same spot as two fighters, making it very difficult to transport with fighters. However, its payload against capital ships is much better than a fighter's against the same target, making it worth it in a major battle.
RDW-145 Valkyrie Interceptors (anti-fighter craft)
RDW-145 Valkyrie Interceptor

HS: 1
Two type-A atomic engine
Anti-fighter spacecraft
Launched from anything that holds a fighter
HP: 7
Weapons: one pod laser battery (mounted underneath, 2d10, directional, range 9) and two chainguns (1d10,one on each wing), and one assault rocket launcher (mounted on the front of the ship)
Able to land and take off of planets
MR of 6, ADF of 5
Crew: 1
This was the first spaceship designed and produced by Redwillow, Inc. Faster than a fighter, these quick light craft have less HP than a normal fighter, but carry over three times the payload. Not meant for attack on capital ships due to their small size, these ships almost defy the laws of physics with their weaponry, as most ships their size wouldn’t be able to handle the power of multiple chainguns or pod laser batteries. Their upgraded military technology allows them to carry weapons formerly thought impossible for this type of craft, but the ultralight raritanium upgrade and smaller size of the pod laser batteries and chainguns allows these craft to use them to great effect against their counterparts. The assault rockets are automatically fed into the launchers, allowing the pilot(s) to focus most of their flying power on dodging maneuvers. Each launcher carries 4 rockets, and because the rockets are made out of a superlight metal called terrabranium it allows them to move faster, dealing an extra 2 damage to anything it hits. The launchers themselves come at an extra cost, as it now takes an extra 1,000 to buy a rocket and an extra 5,000 for the launcher. The upgrade for the pod laser batteries costs an extra 2,500. These small craft pack quite a punch, and enemy fighters should have a tough time fighting these masters of destruction. They can fit in the same space as a normal fighter.
RDW-270 Loki (Light Bomber)
RDW-270 Loki BomberHS: 1
HP: 7
Engines: 2 class-A atomic engines
Weaponry: 10x Proton Bombs with two launchers (3d10, can only be fired straight down), two chainguns (1d10)
Defenses: reflective hull
Crew: 1
MR/ADF: 6/6
This bomber, while very lightly armored, packs a punch rarely seen by craft its size. The smallest ship capable of substantial attack on a capital ship, the RDW-270 "Loki" Bomber carries 5 proton bombs in its two launchers, creating a potential for huge amounts of damage to any ship it successfully launches against. One chaingun faces behind the ship to ward off any attacks from behind, while the other faces forward. Redwillow, Inc.'s revolutionary fighter design with two engines allows for large amounts of speed. The "Loki" bomber isn't meant for stealth missions, as its size and speed are better suited to quick hit-and-run attacks with a squadron of Valkyrie Interceptors. It can fit in the same space a normal fighter can.
RDW-300 Stinger (Heavy Fighter)
RDW-300 Stinger FighterHS: 1
HP: 12
MR/ADF: 5/4
Crew: 1
Engines: 2 type-A atomic
Weapons: two assault rocket launchers (one on either side of the cockpit), two pod laser batteries (FF only, 2d10, just in front of each engine), two chainguns (one on either side of the cockpit, 1d10)
Defenses: reflective hull
The RDW-300 Stinger Fighter is one of the most unique fighter classes in the galaxy. An upgrade from the Shaman MP-11 Stinger Interceptor, the Stinger Fighter carries more firepower than an assault scout in the frame of a fighter. Because of its many weapons, Redwillow, Inc. needed to change its normal twin-engined, large-winged design to one able to withstand the weight and kick of these weapons. They found one with the concept Stinger. The Stinger, while slower than a Valkyrie Interceptor or a Loki Bomber (two other Redwillow ships), can fire more weapons than the average fighter. The downside is that none of the weapons face backward or sideways, making the Stinger have a payload that only fires forward. This ship, though, if firing all its weapons, can disable ships as large as a light cruiser with successful shots. It only requires a one-person crew, making it very cost effective. This fighter is only good against larger ships such as assault scouts, as its weapons are mostly power-based, not speed-based. It can fit in the same space that a normal fighter can.
SHA-170 Nightowl-class Corvettes
SHA-170 Nightowl-class CorvetteHS: 4
HP: 20
Engines: 3 type-A Atomic (mounted side-by-side)
Weapons: Maser Cannon x3 (early concept of the Pod Laser, 1d10, FF), Laser Battery
Defenses: Reflective Hull, Masking Screen
Crew: 10
MR/ADF: 6/6
One of the prettiest and fastest ships ever built, the
Nightowl corvette was the ship that the original Shaman Starship Co. was best known for. Used to great effect in the First Sathar War, this corvette was used as a scoutship, and its weapons system made it a formidable foe to any small ships that crossed its path. Even though it didn't carry much more firepower than today's assault scouts, its superior speed made it one of the best scout ships ever. Nearly 2/3 of these ships were never designed for use in atmospheres, but almost 15,000 of these ships were built with airfoils, which allow them to access a planet's atmosphere. Unfortunately, these ships are very hard to find, with only about 50 known to exist, and less than 15 of them are in flying condition. Alone, though, these ships are worth millions apiece, and in fully serviceable condition with a low serial number they could be worth upwards of 75 million today...
SHA-600 Warrior-class Scoutships (Heavy Scoutships)
SHA-600 Warrior-class Scoutships

HS: 2
HP: 15
Engines: 2 class-A atomic
Weapons: Chaingun (1d10, mounted under the cockpit), 2 pod laser batteries (2d10, one on each wing)
Crew: 4
Defenses: reflective hull
MR/ADF: 6/5
An experiment that came to fruition after the First Sathar War as a product of the original Shaman Starship Co., the Warrior-class scoutship is arguably the precursor to the Assault Scout, although this has never been proven. These ships, while small and of little use against large fighting ships, are very useful against smaller craft such as Interceptors, Fighters, Bombers, Assault Scouts, and Corvettes. They are among the faster classes of ships on the Frontier, as the extra engine mounted on the back gives the ship an extra punch of speed. The ships are small enough to land on planets, and are slightly more heavily armed than an Assault Scout, but not as heavily armored. The Warrior-class scoutship, while mostly obsolete, is at its best in a squadron of about 5, attacking a squadron of Assault Scouts, as its heavier cousins are slower and less maneuverable as well as having less weapons. It is able to be docked in a fighter bay, but takes up twice the space. These ships can be delineated from newer Shaman ships because of their call letters: original Shaman ships used call SHA-, whereas the Redwillow-run Shaman Shipbuilding Co. uses MP- as their call letters.
TYM-180 Lakota-class Corvettes (Carrier Corvettes)
TYM-180 Lakota-class Corvette

HS: 4
HP: 35
Size: 94 m long, 15 m wide
MR/ADF: 3/3
Weapons: 2 laser batteries, squadron of 4 fighters
Defenses: reflective hull
Engines: 3 class-A atomic
Crew: 20 (8 flying crew, 12 fighter crew)
A recent entrant into the ship designing industry is the up-and-coming Tymar Industries, who have sub-contracted the building of ships to the smaller Redwillow, Incorporated. Tymar hit big with their first design, the Lakota-class corvette. Slow but powerful, the Lakota-class corvette is the smallest ship to carry fighters. On either side of the ship, there is a hangar bay for two fighters. It also carries two laser batteries and is usually accompanied by an escort ship, usually a frigate or two assault scouts because of its slow speed. It is one of the most heavily armored corvettes in the Frontier, but because of its speed and limited defense and weaponry it is an easy target. This ship can be used in place of an assault carrier in smaller fleets, as its fighter capacity is less than that of an assault carrier, but it is cheaper to build several carrier corvettes than to build one assault carrier.