Plot Hooks
Born prior to and as a witness of the First Sathar War, and later a victim of the civil war between Inner and Outer Reach in the Dramune system, young Garlus Tylappar finds himself as an orphan.
After coming of age he immediately enlists into Inner Reach's planetary militia as a combat medic, signs up for technical school, and later graduates flight school as a star fighter pilot. He is now assigned as a co-pilot aboard the assault scout MVIR Scrapper, a small yet fast and deadly warship capable of taking down capital ships.
Inner Reach has assigned him to investigate and infiltrate a suspicious group of criminals rising to power on the neighboring world of Outer Reach, where Garlus finds himself knee-deep in trouble....
1> Assignment: the adventure plot is detailed to the party
2> Travel to Outer Reach: getting to the destination
3> Contact: meeting the established contact in Outer Reach, a dralasite named Dablak
4> The Silver Hand: Dablak introduces the group to the Silver Hand crime ring
5> Proving Grounds: the group must prove their loyalty to the Silver Hand. A laison will join them aboard a small cargo vessel that will be smuggling an ilicit cargo into Majora Station, acquire another illegal load, and transport that to the surface of Triad, and repeat the procedure once more to Kdikit. Upon successful term the group will be given full membership privileges into the Silver Hand.
6> Severing the Hand: with the location of the crime ring known, Inner Reach's ground troops will invade the Silver Hand in an effort to wipe them out, with the assistance of the party.
7> Richthofen Von Silber, faction leader, allied with upstart MalCo Enterprises
8> Pacific class frieghter construction
ALPHA SECTION --- The Assignment
This adventure is intended to be played with two to five player characters utlizing the included pre-generated characters with level:1-2 spaceship skills. For best results smaller groups should have a variety of spaceship skills, i.e. one each of pilot, astrogator, engineer, and (energy) gunnery. Note that since Garlus Tylappar is a pilot and expedition leader, any other pilot characters will be serving as a co-piloting role.
The party has been recruited by Inner Reach's space militia and has been assigned to a covert operation under Lt. Garlus Tylappar. Their mission is to investigate and infiltrate a criminal faction in Outer Reach that has been subverting Inner Reach both in space and on the ground. According to intelligence this particular group is expecting a special envoy from Inner, although unbeknownst to them this envoy has been captured. A telol interrogation revealed that this envoy was to meet with this group at "The Blow Hole", a spacer's dive located in the commercial section of Styrigia Station (orbitting Outer Reach), and this envoy would be recognized by lighting a federanium pipe filled with Inner Reach Tobacco. The contact there is a dralasite (name unnown) wearing a black cloak who will ask the pass phrase "So what do you do for a living?", which should cast an aura of silence as onlookers will naturally expect a brawl from that taboo Outer Reach phrase.
To this end Garlus Tylappar has been assigned to travel undercover as this envoy and has been given the pipe and several pouches of Inner Reach tobacco. He hasn't become accustomed to smoking yet, but is slowly getting used to it. He will take a table in the bar and the party will take adjacent tables to keep him in view, just in case trouble arises...which it probably will, considering the pass phrase. For all you know this could be an elaborate set-up designed to expose any infiltrators.
The group will travel to Styrigia Station via a system ship that is contracted between the two worlds to deliver cargo and passengers alike.
2> The Journey
The group will travel to Outer Reach via a chartered system ship, the "IRT Bellatrix". The Bellatrix is a class:3 transport boasting both cargo and passenger accomodations and is chartered under Inner Reach's government to ferry personnel and trade goods between Inner and Outer Reach (see the "Ships" section posted at the end of this adventure for more details on the Bellatrix). Being a system ship, most of the journey will be coasting at zero gravity, and the journey will take a total of 90 hours GST once the ship departs Majora Station. The group will board as passengers, each taking a private cabin on the Bellatrix's mid-decks, with the exception of Garlus who will be on the upper deck. Even though the group consists of Inner Reach Militia representatives, they must abide by the ship's policy of stowing ranged weapons and defensive screens in the ship's locker. They may retain a defensive suit and one melee weapon though. In case of emergency, Garlus has been given an access key-card to the locker should any emergencies arise.

The ship's crew is detailed below:
Carak Janus, pilot/captain (mH, STR/STA:45/50, DEX/RS 50/50 ---Tech{6}, Computer{2}, Pilot{1}, Beam Weapons{2}, Melee Weapons{1}; Skeinsuit, albedo screen w/50SEU beltpack, laser pistol w/3 spare powerclips, stunstick)
Seet, navigator (nD, STR/STA:55/55, DEX/RS:45/45, Lie Detection: 10% --- Computer{5}, Beam Weapons{2}, Melee Weapons{1}; Skeinsuit, albedo screen w/50SEU beltpack, laser pistol w/3 spare powerclips, stunstick)
Kiz'Zyt, engineer (fV, STR/STA:45/45, DEX/RS:55/55, Comprehension:20% --- Tech{4}, Robotics{2}, Engineer{1}, Beam Weapons{2}, Melee Weapons{1}; Skeinsuit, albedo screen w/50SEU beltpack, laser pistol w/3 spare powerclips, stunstick)
Landok, gunner (mY, STR/STA:40/50, DEX/RS:50/50, Battle Rage:15% --- Beam Weapons{6}, Energy Gunnery{1}, Melee Weapons{3}; Skeinsuit, albedo screen w/50SEU beltpack, laser pistol w/3 spare powerclips, stunstick)
Doorem, medic (fD, STR/STA:45/45, DEX/RS:45/45, Lie Detection:5% --- Medic{3}, Beam Weapons{1}, Melee Weapons{1}; Skeinsuit, albedo screen w/50SEU beltpack, laser pistol w/3 spare powerclips, stunstick)
Boll, technician (mD STR/STA:55/55, DEX/RS:45/45, Lie Detection:5% --- Technician{3}, Beam Weapons{1}, Melee Weapons{1}; Skeinsuit, albedo screen w/50SEU beltpack, laser pistol w/3 spare powerclips, stunstick)
Dogan, technician (mD STR/STA:50/50, DEX/RS:50/50, Lie Detection:5% --- Technician{3}, Beam Weapons{1}, Melee Weapons{1}; Skeinsuit, albedo screen w/50SEU beltpack, laser pistol w/3 spare powerclips, stunstick)
Heather O'Dell, steward (fH, STR/STA:35/45, DEX/RS 50/50 ---Robotics{3}, Computer{1}, Beam Weapons{1}, Melee Weapons{1}; Skeinsuit, albedo screen w/50SEU beltpack, laser pistol w/3 spare powerclips, stunstick)
Lv-4 Service Robots (x5, anthro-female-human bodies, self defense, computer link, steward/personal service; STA:100, ATT:70, DMG:2d10MV:30m/t)
One service bot is stationed on each of the passenger decks, the other two are stored on the crew deck.

There are three other passengers, one on each passenger deck:
7a > Gurub, dralasite merchant (nD, STR/STA:50/50, DEX/RS:45/45, Lie Detection:5% --- Psycho-Social{1}; no armor or weapons) He has a small shipment of wine and liquor in the port hold destined for Outer Reach. He will barricade himself in his cabin if danger presents itself and will not fight, but will try to barter for his life if threatened.
7b > Omaga, dralasite blow-singer (fD, STR/STA:40/40, DEX/RS:45/45, Lie Detection:5% --- entertainer{1}, martial arts{5}; no armor or weapons) She has an extravagent wardrobe stowed in the starboard hold along with several musical instruments utilized in her act. Having worked numerous seedy locations, she is adept at hand to hand combat and can handle her own as such.
7d > Brootis, mercenary (mD, STR/STA:55/65, DEX/RS:45/45, Lie Detection:5% --- projectile weapons{2}, Melee Weapons{1}, Thrown Weapons{1}, Technician{1}, Skeinsuit, Snub Pistol {treat as auto-pistol but can only fire single shots @ 3/round for 2d10 each} He is seeking employment in Outer Reach, having not found anything worthwhile in Inner Reach. His inertia screen/50SEU beltpack and automatic rifle are stowed in the ship's weapons locker. While he may potentially be hireed by a criminal element in Outer, he has not secured any contract yet and will defend himself accordingly.
After 70 hours GST has elapsed the ship will come under attack. A small class:5 freighter is closing in on the Bellatrix, her chemical thrusters are simply no match for the inbound craft's atomic drives. Red light envelopes the Bellatrix's interior and klaxons sound, with a repeating computerized message "unknown craft attacking, please remain secured in your cabins."
Your chronocoms beep to life as Garlus pages you on the general hailing channel "Belay that order, meet me at the weapons locker. We'll take care of these scum if they intened to board us!" The ship rocks and shudders several times over the next 30-40 minutes as they exchange laser battery blows, until the Bellatrix's battery and maneuvering systems are disabled. The ship only has enough fuel to decelerate at the destination so they dare not use any of it. Garlus orders everyone to cover both upper and lower deck aft airlocks, splittign the party evenly (one groupo with Garlus at the lower airlock and the others at the upper airlock). If the party split totals an odd number on one side, allow NPC Brootis (7d) to join in to make the groups even.
The Invaders
The inbound ship SS Silent Rover is manned by a group of would-be cut throats looking make a reputation for themselves under the Silver Hand. None of the ship's crew will enter the Bellatrix save for one of their engineers who is leading the boarding party.
For groups of two per deck use the first three invaders, for groups of three add the optional mooks for each deck. The Silent Rover has sealed their airlocks behind their boarding parties and if any attempt is made to breach them the ship will break away and escape. Remember, all combat will be conducted in zero-grav conditions.
Boarding Party #1
Hockney "Blade" Kieran, boarding captain (mH, STR/STA:55/55, DEX/RS:45/45) --- Tech{4}, Robotics{2}, Engineer{1}, Projectile Weapons{1}, Melee Weapons{5}, Thrown Weapons{1}; Albedosuit, Inertia Screen w/50SEU Power Bletpack, Automatic Rifle w/3 spare bulletclips, Electric Sword; silver ring - hand wrapping around to grab its own forearm, two fingers of the hand depict rings w/small rubies (worth 300Cr)*
Mook #1 (mY, STR/STA:40/50, DEX/RS:50/50) --- Gyrojet Weapons {1}, Melee Weapons{1}; Skeinsuit, Gyrojet pPstol w/2 spare jetclips, Vibroknife
Mook #2 (nD, STR/STA:55/55, DEX/RS:45/45) --- Beam Weapons{1}, Throw Weapons{1}; Skeinsuit, Laser Pistol w/2 spare powerclips, Tangler Grenade
(optional) Mook #3 (mH, STR/STA:55/55, DEX/RS:45/45) --- Beam Weapons{2}; Skeinsuit, Laser Pistol w/2 spare powerclips
Boarding Party #2
Kurmani, boarding lieutenant (mH, STR/STA:35/45, DEX/RS:55/55; Battle Rage:25%) --- Projectile Weapons{2}, Melee Weapons{3}; Skeinsuit, Automatic Rifle w/3 spare bulletclips, Electric Sword; silver ring - hand wrapping around to grab its own forearm (worth 50Cr)*
Mook #4 (mD, STR/STA:65/65, DEX/RS:35/35) --- Beam Weapons{1}, Melee Weapons{1}; Skeinsuit, Electrostunner, Stunstick
Mook #5 (mH, STR/STA:40/45, DEX/RS:70/60) --- Gyrojet Weapons{1}, Melee Weapons{1}; Skeinsuit, Gyrojet Pistol w/2 spare jetclips, Nightstick
(optional) Mook #6 (mV, STR/STA:30/50, DEX/RS:60/60) --- Projectile Weapons{2}; Skeinsuit, two Automatic Pistols w/2 spare bulletclips
* These rings are membership rings of the Silver Hand that are awarded to members that have proven themselves worthy of the organization. Plain rings are initiates, and rings with gemstones signify rank.
3> Contact
The group is to meet a contact, neither this contact or the Inner Reach representative know of each other so a scenario has been established to ID each to the other.
The Bellatrix has berthed at Styrigia Station and your group makes their way to the main station elevators that will ferry them outward toward the commercial deck. Once the group arrives at the commercial deck, Garlus will separate himself from the party to enter the Blow Hole alone, the group is to enter shortly afterwards in sporadic intervals.
"The Blow Hole" map (Styrigia Station commercial deck)

Garlus has taken a seat at table L taking the chair on the right side of the map and turning it to face the bar. Currently tables D and P are unoccupied, as are barstools f, l, o, and t. The rest are occupied by the usual riff-raff that can be expected in such a seedy environment. Numerous dralasites can bee seen within the crowded room, however it is dark and hazy so if any are wearing black capes it is not immediately apparent.
Once the party is situated, a brawl breaks out between a pair of rowdy humans at barstools a & b. This lasts a few rounds before one is finally knocked down, and the other flees through the exit. The patrons ignore the unconcious body and return to their drinks & hushed conversations.
Finally Garlus reaches into a pocket to withdraw the federanium pipe, stuffs it with some tobacco, and lights it. He inhales deeply and exhales a thick plume of smoke that is quickly lost in the hazy environment. Shortly afterwards, a dralasite with a shabby black cape (Dablak, see the NPC section for stats) gets up from table C to make his way toward Garlus, leaving his female vruskan companion behind (Ts'lit, see the NPC section for stats). He waddles up to Garlus's table and bellows out "So, what do you do for a living?!?" and an immediate hush falls across the room.
Garlus offers a smirk, inhales on the pipe once more, blows a stream of smoke outward toward the dral, and retorts with "I haven't decided yet." The dral rolls with laughter at the remark, takes a seat, and extends a pseuopod toward Garlus. "Dablak, damned glad to meet ya." It turns and nods toward the vrusk at table C, and the vrusk simply shrugs to ignore the pair.
Dablak starts up with "So you're the envoy from Inner Reach, rumor has it you wish to join the Hand in exchange for intel regarding a new corporation that is springing up in Moltin." Garlus grins and responds (in an obvious ad-lib to the party but the dral seems to think it sincere), "Yeah, some synthetics outfit is beating their chests and making a lot of noise over there. Might be worth something in the shipping lanes to a creative group, if ya know what I mean."
As it turns out, the story regarding a synthetics group is actually true...SynthCorp has begun construction of their home office in the city of Moltin (which will be renamed "Synthtown" upon completion). Garlus has no love for corporations, although not as much animosity as he has towards the worms and pirates.
At this time Garlus will invite the crew to join him at the table. If pressed about the rings recovered from the boarding party, Dablak will simply offer "'re not part of the Hand yet" while offering the equivalent of a dralasitic eyespot wink.
Dablak will convey with Ts'lit to arrange shuttle transport to the surface for the group, landing at Styrigia Starport where they will be taken to the Silver Hand's outpost located 200 kilometers beyond city limits. Since they will be traveling across sandy and barren terrain, Ts'lit and Dablak will lead with an all wheel drive ground car while up to three hovercycles can be made available for the party to follow at two per cycle.
Upon reaching the outpost, Dablak will exit the car and trigger the gate security lock code. The vrusk will move the car into the adjacent garage building while Dablak instructs the party to wait outside the gate. He closes the gate behind him and disappears into the still-open garage.
As the group waits outside the gate they notice a railing around the garage roofline, suggesting an aerial vehicle landing platform...although it is presently vacant. Several tents have been erected outside the front of the structure within the metallic slotted security wall. Moments later, Dablak returns via the open garage following a human.
The human eyes the group, commenting "So this is the latest group of shiners you drudged up..." he gazes back and forth among the group, turns to Dablak, and says "Show 'em to their quarters and we'll all have a sit-down later." Dablak instructs the group to ride the hoverbikes around back where he will open the rear gate.
Arriving at the rear of the complex, you spot (4 - # of party bikes) hovercycle(s) parked against the back wall. Dablak keys the rear gate open and waves you inside, once parked he tells you to make yourselves comfortable in tents 2-4 (1 is occupied, 2 will be as well if insufficient party size).

Outpost Key
1> Garage/Landing Platform - space for a pair of ground/hover cars and a work area, a ladder extends up to the rooftop landing paltform set up for a jetcopter
2> Operations Center
3> Storage - crates of dry goods & foodstuffs are stowed along the end of this corridor.
4> Quarters - bunks for four individuals along with a water closet, Currently home to Jayne, Ts'lit, and Credia.
5> Quarters - bunks for four individuals along with a water closet. Currently home to Gorel, T'kril, Klik'tik, and Dablak
6> Storage
7> Common Room & Galley
8> Cellar/Quarters - Ward resides here in this naturally cool cellar.
9> Generator
1t> Bane
2t> (Dimenshia and Glubol if needed, otherwise available for PCs)
3t> PC's tent
4t> PC's tent
NPCs & Pre-Gens
Garlus Tylappar
STR/STA - 50/45
DEX/RS - 50/50
INT/LOG - 60/50
PER/LDR - 45/45
Skills (PSA:Tech)
Projectile Weapons(3)
Melee Weapons(1)
co-pilot of MVIR (Militia Vessel of Inner Reach) Scrapper
Born prior to and as a witness of the First Sathar War, and later a victim of the civil war between Inner and Outer Reach in the Dramune system, young Garlus Tylappar finds himself as an orphan.
After coming of age he immediately enlists into Inner Reach's planetary militia as a combat medic, signs up for technical school, and later graduates flight school as a star fighter pilot. He is now assigned as a co-pilot aboard the assault scout MVIR Scrapper, a small yet fast and deadly warship capable of taking down capital ships.
Inner Reach has assigned him to investigate and infiltrate a suspicious group of criminals rising to power on the neighboring world of Outer Reach, where Garlus finds himself knee-deep in trouble....

Pregenerated Player Characters
(Garlus' five dral crew)
STR/STA - 60/60
DEX/RS - 45/45
INT/LOG - 50/50
PER/LDR - 35/45
Special Abilites: Elasticity, Lie Detection(15%)
Skills (PSA:Military)
Beam Weapons(6)
Melee Weapons(1)
Thrown Weapons(1)
Energy Gunnery(2)
Equipment: Military Skeinsuit, Laser Rifle w/3 spare powerclips, stunstick, 5000Cr
STR/STA - 50/55
DEX/RS - 50/50
INT/LOG - 40/50
PER/LDR - 50/40
Special Abilites: Elasticity, Lie Detection(5%)
Skills (PSA:Tech)
Gyrojet Weapons(3)
Melee Weapons(1)
Equipment: Military Skeinsuit, Gyrojet Pistol w/3 spare jetclips, stunstick, 5000Cr
STR/STA - 45/55
DEX/RS - 65/65
INT/LOG - 50/60
PER/LDR - 45/55
Special Abilites: Elasticity, Lie Detection(10%)
Skills (PSA:Tech)
Robotics (2)
Projectile Weapons(2)
Melee Weapons(1)
Engineer (1)
Equipment: Military Skeinsuit, two Automatic Pistols w/4 spare bulletclips, stunstick, 5000Cr
STR/STA - 60/70
DEX/RS - 45/45
INT/LOG - 50/50
PER/LDR - 35/35
Special Abilites: Elasticity, Lie Detection(5%)
Skills (PSA:Tech)
Beam Weapons(1)
Melee Weapons(3)
Equipment: Military Skeinsuit, Laser Pistol w/3 spare powerclips, stunstick, 5000Cr
STR/STA - 50/50
DEX/RS - 40/40
INT/LOG - 60/60
PER/LDR - 50/50
Special Abilites: Elasticity, Lie Detection(5%)
Skills (PSA:Tech)
Beam Weapons(6)
Energy Gunnery (1)
In-game NPCs
Dablak the Mook (henchman)
STR/STA - 45/45
DEX/RS - 40/40
INT/LOG - 50/50
PER/LDR - 30/50
Special Abilites: Elasticity, Lie Detection(5%)
Skills (PSA:Military)
Melee Weapons(2)
Martial Arts(1)
Projectile Weapons(1)
Equipment: Military Skeinsuit, Automatic Pistol w/2 spare bulletclips, Sonic Knife; tattered black cape
Emerson 'Mad Hermit' Ward, outpost leader
STR/STA - 50/50
DEX/RS - 50/50
INT/LOG - 45/45
PER/LDR - 40/50
Skills (PSA:Military)
Gyrojet Weapons(5)
Projectile Weapons(4)
Thrown Weapons(2)
Melee Weapons(1)
Equipment: Military Skeinsuit, Gyrojet Pistol w/3 spare jetclips, Electric Sword, 5 charges D-19 w/variable timer detonator; SH member ring w/diamond (1000Cr value)
Kayla 'Calamity' Jayne (outpost scientist & co-leader)
STR/STA - 40/40
DEX/RS - 45/45
INT/LOG - 55/60
PER/LDR - 55/45
Skills (PSA:BioSocial)
Melee Weapons(1)
Equipment: Military Skeinsuit, Automatic Pistol w/spare bulletclip, Sonic Sword; SH member ring w/3 sapphires (1000Cr value)
Gorel 'Gunny' Goro (enforcer)
STR/STA - 60/60
DEX/RS - 50/50
INT/LOG - 45/45
PER/LDR - 25/35
Special Abilites: Gliding, Night Vision, Battle Rage(35%)
Skills (PSA:Military)
Beam Weapons(3)
Gyrojet Weapons(3)
Projectile Weapons(3)
Melee Weapons(3)
Equipment: Military Skeinsuit, Laser Rifle w/power beltpack, Automatic Pistol w/spare bulletclip, Electric Sword; SH member ring w/emerald (200Cr value)
Tk'ril (lead technician, jetcopter pilot)
STR/STA - 45/45
DEX/RS - 50/50
INT/LOG - 50/50
PER/LDR - 35/35
Special Abilites: Ambidextrous, Comprehension(15%)
Skills (PSA:Tech)
Melee Weapons(1)
Equipment: Military Skeinsuit, Vibroknife, TechKit; SH member ring (50Cr value)
Ts'lit (technician, AWD ground car driver)
STR/STA - 45/45
DEX/RS - 50/60
INT/LOG - 50/50
PER/LDR - 45/45
Special Abilites: Ambidextrous, Comprehension(15%)
Skills (PSA:Tech)
Projectile Weapons(1)
Equipment: Military Skeinsuit, Automatic Pistol w/spare bulletclip, TechKit
Klik'tik (technician, AWD ground car driver)
STR/STA - 40/50
DEX/RS - 55/55
INT/LOG - 45/45
PER/LDR - 45/45
Special Abilites: Ambidextrous, Comprehension(15%)
Skills (PSA:Tech)
Gyrojet Weapons(1)
Equipment: Military Skeinsuit, Gyrojet Pistol w/spare jetclip, TechKit
Carson 'Howler' Bane (hovercyclist)
STR/STA - 60/60
DEX/RS - 50/55
INT/LOG - 40/40
PER/LDR - 30/30
Special Abilites: Ambidextrous, Comprehension(15%)
Skills (PSA:Military)
Martial Arts(3)
Melee Weapons(2)
Equipment: Military Skeinsuit, Nightstick, Brass Knuckles
Credia (henchwoman)
STR/STA - 40/40
DEX/RS - 60/60
INT/LOG - 45/45
PER/LDR - 50/40
Special Abilites: Gliding, Night Vision, Battle Rage(5%)
Skills (PSA:Military)
Beam Weapons(2)
Melee Weapons(1)
Equipment: Military Skeinsuit, Laser Pistol w/2 spare powerclips, Vibroknife
Dimenshia (optional hovercyclist)*
STR/STA - 40/50
DEX/RS - 55/55
INT/LOG - 45/45
PER/LDR - 50/40
Special Abilites: Gliding, Night Vision, Battle Rage(15%)
Skills (PSA:Military)
Beam Weapons(2)
Equipment: Military Skeinsuit, Laser Pistol w/spare powerclip
Glubol (optional henchman)*
STR/STA - 60/60
DEX/RS - 45/45
INT/LOG - 35/35
PER/LDR - 30/30
Special Abilites: Elasticity, Lie Detection(5%)
Skills (PSA:Military)
Projectile Weapons(2)
Melee Weapons(1)
Equipment: Military Skeinsuit, Automatic Pistol w/ spare bulletclip, Knife
* the optional hovercyclist and henchman can be used to make up the difference in party size to comprise four hovercyclist/henchman combos. If the group is still short one being then Brootis (from The Journey) can be utilized for either role.